
UNHOLDUN is a black metal band from France, who formed in 2020. Their latest release, “Fœhn,” is their full-length debut album; they also released an EP in 2022. It’s actually a one-man project from musician Alexis Chiambretto. UNHOLDUN plays a style of black metal that’s both straightforward and melodic. Truth be told, it’s a very balanced album that rides the line between abrasive structures and melodic leanings without choosing one path over the other. The melodies are woven into the fabric of the riffs, and sometimes even catchy, but they are also as cold as the north winds. The production is decent; it is possible for black metal to sound good without going down the path of “skid marks inside a cracked toilet” and this album makes a good case for it. Of course, production and its effect on albums depends on the style and the band. Some need raw production but others, like UNHOLDUN, seem to better embrace a more “clean” style. With that being said, it’s only clean as far as black metal goes—it’s definitely not sterile and has plenty of bite, even during the more melodic moments.
The album opens with “Combes,” and its atmospheric wind blowing over clean notes. It’s a good way to start the album off. Around the minute mark, the bleaked distortion kicks in and the song is off to a melancholic start. The tempo is mid-paced but I think it works for the song, allowing the details to sink in without being overly meandering. “Cavernes,” takes a more direct path for its opening. This one is fast, accented by crisp drumming. Alexis’ vocals are solid–a throaty scream that sounds naturally abrasive. The guitar melodies are catchy and push the song forward. The middle portion of the song is atmospheric and cold as ice–it segues into the faster later half of the song well enough. The drums bolstering this second half with huge swaths of urgency that drive the song to its conclusion.
At this point, I realize that, although every song is solid and there isn’t anything wrong with the album per say, it doesn’t really have any big standout moments for me. On a personal level, I definitely enjoyed my time with the album but I don’t see myself revisiting it much as there wasn’t any moment that made me say, “Wow, I need to hear that part again!” With that being said, the final song “Cimes,” is probably my favorite on the album. I love the contrast between the atmospheric riffs and furious drumming. Black metal always finds a way to make two different approaches work together and it’s pulled off wonderfully here. The final half of the song is drenched in melancholy and tinged with a sense of sorrow.
All in all, UNHOLDUN’s “Fœhn,” is a solid if unremarkable album. It provides an entertaining 42 minutes of bleak, frozen black metal but after the ride is over, there isn’t much reason for a return trip.
6 / 10
Had Potential

"Fœhn" Track-listing:
- Combes
- Forêts
- Cavernes
- Glaciers
- Neiges éternelles
- Cimes
Unholdun Lineup:
Alexis Chiambretto - Everything
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