From The Earth To The Moon


TRENCHWAR are a five man band all the way from the capital city of Ankara, […]
August 6, 2024

TRENCHWAR are a five man band all the way from the capital city of Ankara, Turkey, however they started out as a one man band in 2014, this was down to their founding member TOLGA OTABATMAZ who came up with the original idea of a solo project by himself. TOLGA himself draws inspiration from the Bay Area thrash metal scene with the likes of TESTAMENT, EXODUS and VIO-LENCE, so when it came to recording their debut album, TOLGA realised it was time to recruit some other musicians. So he found four musicians altogether for the first album that was to be recorded which was CRIMINAL ORGANISATIONS, two of those members now remain in the band who are vocalist HARUN ALTUN and guitarist DAGHAN ERDOGAN.

Their debut album was recorded by ALI OZTURK from STUDIO DEEP in 2020 and their guitar player at the time DENIZ DURDAG was their man to mix/master the album. In terms of releasing the album, TOLGA went with Sleaszy Rider Records as he had previously released another album through the same label with his old band (FORGOTTEN). So when it came to recording their next album, TRENCHWAR went into the studio once more in 2023 and it was set in stone to release again with Sleaszy Rider Records, thanks to the partnerships TOLGA had before with the label. Their next album is what I will be going into detail about, titled FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON which brings to you eight brand new tracks ready for your ears to listen to.

The first track is “Tax Corruption” as we hear cymbal hits and guitar revving up their engines, as we hear some very tasty guitar riffs, vocals that are full of depth and a nice bass tone giving the track just what it needs. Vocals especially are stained by the impending doom and evil satanic form of speaking, as the vocalist really spits its words out. Even lead guitar has a nie solo part with drums, bass and second guitar accompanying also, before stamping of drums with furious guitars or vocals to lead into the next track. “From The Earth To The Moon” begins with a slow but clear countdown being said by a narrator or speaker, before the band kicks in with all guns blazing as drums create the gradual acceleration in the tempo and guitars bring out the lower notes giving the track warmth.

Vocals are a little more subtle than before but they are certainly not hidden away. The dynamics of this track are certainly smooth, but when drums kick in the overall mix is brought to a whole new level which is certainly suitable for a thrash metal such as TRECHNWAR. A short triplet feel there with drums brings the band into a variation of the tempo, as we hear more devastating drum patterns, sustained guitar notes and vocals making a good contribution. Towards the final minute, there is a sensational guitar solo part being played, as drums accompany with bass guitar before vocals come back in. The next track comes in after which is “Shock Doctrine” is full of rolling drum fills and epic guitar riffs on the high end with pitch, as we hear whispers of that same guitar line through the next section.

Vocals come in and lead guitar allow space and time for vocals to do so, as they gorge on the inner sanctum of this track with all other instruments collaborating with one another musically as well as aesthetically. The lead guitar switches back to playing a higher notation for a short time then back to more stamping of drums with occultic vocals, even time for drums to expand their skills for some solo playing. The tempo has been slower than before, picking up before the closing notes of vocals further on as we head into the next track “Benevolent Businessmen”, as we have heavy lead guitar riffs, as well as soloistic drums contributing here.

Lots going on as vocals are so cruel and nasty, as each instrument has its own time for some solo playing and the tempo is well kept, not fast but there is space for drums to add in a lot of accents and cymbal hits. Lead guitar has a lot to show for sure, especially the collaboration between drums and guitars are very strong as they work well together, complimenting each other so much of the time. A lot of serious skills in this track by the band, we head onto the next track which is “The Nailing Killer”, a narrator speaks softly then back to the heavy thrash metal bonanza we go. The drums and guitars tear through the track as the vocals join later on, as the tempo is quickening, with some pulsating drums and distorted guitars plus menacing vocals that are hungry for more to feed on.

An interesting transition of instrumental solos is so cool and nasty but metal-tastic to coin a new word haha. So into the next track which is “Trash Not Thrash” is very much a continuation of what we heard before, the vocals and guitars don’t let us down at all, they are very much in control but drums certainly throws in a lot of fillers with such style and class. A thumping drum pattern is also included, as the bass guitar really compliments the drums and vocals as sinister as they can be. A guitar based section comes, as lead guitar really bends those strings and screeches to high heaven, as drums really comes to light and puts us into the next track which is “Communication Breakdown”.

The penultimate track now with heavy and filthy guitar riffs that will give you shivers down your spine, as the whole band kicks in as before, the commitment and determination of each instrument is mind boggling but at a very high standard. The tempo is fast and cunning at first but slows a little later on for cymbal hits as well as guitar taking the pace down a few notches. A chance for vocals to take a breath and then lead guitar is off again on another solo section of its own, the vocals were obviously panned towards the end giving that feeling of isolation and horrifying tone. “In The Grip Of Cult” off with a lovely warm bass tone before lead guitar comes in bleeding with distortion and sustained riffs, before the rhythmic riffs come in.

Vocals are so consistent in licking their wounds and spitting those lyrics out as if the devil himself was among us, there is so much savagery in lead guitar as well as vocals, it's all just superb musicianship altogether. A slight variation with tempo where a halftime flow is in before the old tempo returns back as we approach the end of this very dynamic and fantastic album. And on that note, that is it, certainly an album worth listening to if you’re very big into your thrash metal, everything about it is so good and is impressive. Check them out and you will not be disappointed I kid you not.

8 / 10









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"From The Earth To The Moon" Track-listing:

1. Tax Corruption

2. From The Earth To The Moon

3. Shock Doctrine

4. Benevolent Businessmen

5. The Nailing Killer

6. Trash Not Thrash

7. Communication Breakdown

8. In The Grip Of Cult

Trenchwar Lineup:

Harun Altun - Vocals

Daghan Erdogan - Guitars

Tolga Otabatmaz - Guitars

Gurdal Sonmez - Bass

Yigit Aksoy - Drums

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