XII: A gyönyörű álmok ezután jönnek
Thy Catafalque

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of THY CATAFALQUE, but they just keep putting out incredible albums and recommitting me to the cause. On November 15, Tamás Kátai is due to release his twelfth full-length studio album, “XII: A gyönyörű álmok ezután jönnek.” The title translates to “the beautiful dreams are yet to come” and, indeed, after the shrouded heaviness of “Alföld,” “XII” feels like discovering light after passing through a bleak night.
What has always lent strength to THY CATALFALQUE is the project approach which Tamás has taken, bringing together incredible talent from around the globe. This time around Tamás brings together 27 guest musicians to help deliver this eleven-track missive from the dark side of Hungary. For returning fans, you’ll see familiar names like Martina Veronika Horváth and Gábor Dudás as well as well-known names from the extended Metalsphere like Jo Quail (electric cello) from the UK and Edu Giró (oud, bouzouki, baglama) from Spain. If you have ever seen footage of Jo Quail perform or if you have heard any of her many albums, you would say “Yeah, cello and metal. That works.” But the oud, bouzouki, and baglama? That’s going way eclectic . . . but it also works. Tamás brings a certain genius to bear as he enlists musicians of all stripes and creeds into his vision.
Listening to an album by THY CATAFALQUE takes a fair amount of research and tools. Maybe Google translate to decipher the lyrics, a Hungarian history book to understand some of the references, and a soul as deep and dark as a Nordic forest to commune with the spirit. Optional tools are a degree in music theory and a map of the Metal Underground. Or you can just ride without a saddle and rely on your own dubious past and experience to decipher the objets d'art Tamás offers. I prefer the latter. Regardless of your listening approach, “XII: A gyönyörű álmok ezután jönnek” is sure to entertain and astound.
Standout tracks? Every track on the album has a distinct beauty. I’m partial to the haunting vocals of Martina Horváth so “Piros kocsi, fekete éj” (red carriage, black night) and “Lydiához” (to Lydia) the 1980 Hungarian classic by Sebő-együttes based on the Lydia ode of Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus. I should also note the bonus track, “Babylon,” is a cover of the 1987 OMEGA song. It was released as single in March this year as a float between “Aldo” and “XII.” Fun track, this one. Similar to “Lydia” it will be a time capsule for Hungarian rockers.
Other great tracks are “Nyárfa, nyírfa” (aspen and birch) with stunning vocals by Gábor Dudás who features prominently on the entire album; “Ködkiraly” (king of fog) for its cosmic Doom vibe. A bit mellow this one—until it isn’t. Also, way dark in multiple ways; “Aláhullás” (descent) which is like old school THY CATAFALQUE—crushing and epic; and, of course, the title and closing track, “A gyönyörű álmok ezután jönnek.” The video recalls the “Napút” video—but instead of Martina running through fields and doing witchy things in a spooky house, we have Tamás running, literally, through scenes of his past, present, and maybe even future.
“XII: A gyönyörű álmok ezután jönnek” is a stunning piece of Avante-Gard Metal from Tamás Kátai and his fever dream known as THY CATAFALQUE. He stays true to his vision, bringing into the fold a world of diverse musicians. The result is like a trapdoor to nature’s own subconscious. For some it will be a nightmare; for the devout denizens of the extreme metal underworld, a delight.
10 / 10

"XII: A gyönyörű álmok ezután jönnek" Track-listing:
1. Piros kocsi, fekete éj
2. Mindenevö
3. Vasgyár
4. Világnak világa
5. Nyárfa, nyírfa
6. Lydiához
7. Vakond
8. Ködkiraly
9. Aláhullás
10. A gyönyörü álmok ezután jönnek
11. Babylon (bonus track)
Thy Catafalque Lineup:
Tamás Kátai – Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Programming
Guest Musicians
Martina Veronika Horváth – vocals in track 1, 6
Ivett Dudás – vocals in track 8
Helga Kreiter – vocals in track 4, 10
Gábor Dudás – vocals in track 2, 5, 6, 10
Bálint Bokodi – vocals in track 2, 4, 9
Gábor Veres – vocals in track 3, 8
Attila Bakos – vocals in track 1
Zoltán Kónya – vocals in track 3
András Vörös – vocals in track 4
Breno Machado – lead guitar in track 2
Zoltán Vigh – lead guitar in track 3
Krisztián Varga – lead guitar in track 4
Daniele Belli – acoustic guitar in track 2
Miguel Velasquez Matija – fretless bass in track 2, 6
Edu Giró – oud, bouzouki, baglama in track 2, 7
Grigoris Mitropoulos – bouzouki, mpaglamas in track 7
Sanja Smileska – violin in track 3
Jo Quail – electric cello in track 8
Issar Shulman – contrabass in track 2
Cal Rustad – French horn in track 2, 8
Manuel Domenech – cor anglais in track 8
Khachatrian Lernik – clarinet in track 2
Gergő Bille – flugelhorn, trumpet in track 7
Joakim Toftgaard – trombone, trumpet in track 7
Fabian Hernandez – saxophone in track 5
Viktória Varga – narration in track 3
Annamari Sánta – narration in track 7, 8
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