Crowned In Blood

This Ending

I gave the previous album an 8 but this one is getting a point higher. The band doesn’t reinvent their sound but they have absolutely nailed it down. The result is a confident album that knows exactly what it is. “Crowned In Blood,” is kingly, indeed.

THIS ENDING is a melodic death metal band from Stockholm, Sweden. They formed out of the ashes of the classic melodeath band A CANOROUS QUINTET, who released three albums including the classic “The Only Pure Hate.” In 2006, THIS ENDING was born, although A CANOROUS QUINTET has been reactivated as well. “Crowned In Blood,” is their fifth full length album and it is without a doubt their best. I have always enjoyed this band and even reviewed their previous album, 2016’s “Needles Of Rust.” It warms my metal heart to see this band continue to get better and better.

Their brand of melodeath has always sounded more modern, energetic, and intense than their contemporaries. With “Crowned In Blood,” they have refined their sound to bring out the best elements they, and the genre, are made of. The album begins with the excellent title track and it is a total banger. After a momentous build up, the band begins their crushing march at the 1:22 mark. I can immediately hear the band has become much, much heavier. However, as the meaty but melodic riffs can speak of, they are also more melodic and atmospheric. This song is a fantastic showcase for the album as a whole but also for the band as it shows a band who can double down on the intensity while never compromising catchy hooks or epic songwriting.

Devil” has blackened layers to it especially in the speedy riffs and focused, hammering drums. The vocals are pretty damn insane too, Mårten definitely getting better with each passing year. I like the clean, melodic sections that overlap with the heavier aspects while he screams his face off–this song definitely reveals how adept the band is at balancing their sound. One of my favorite songs on the album is “A Venomous Prison,” because it fits such a massive, sprawling sound into a song that is barely three and a half minutes long. From the atmospheric, wall of sound opening, to the speedy sections, the guitar solos, and the huge ending…the whole song is one of the best they have done.

Lord, Master, King and Emperor–All In One,” is a hell of a song title but I would expect nothing less from this seven minute long bruising journey. The song begins icy cold and even a little threatening. The slower, dirge style riffs sound equally sinister as the low growls which are a nice fit for the song. The first half of the song alternates between slower and faster paced sections before going into a delicious melodic segment that leads back into a lumbering section. This piece, in turn, transforms seamlessly into a very biting moment with a lot of power.

I gave the previous album an 8 but this one is getting a point higher. The band doesn’t reinvent their sound but they have absolutely nailed it down. The result is a confident album that knows exactly what it is. “Crowned In Blood,” is kingly, indeed.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Crowned In Blood" Track-listing:
  1. Crowned in Blood
  2. Birth of Evil
  3. Devils
  4. Will of Iron
  5. Blood King
  6. A Venomous Prison
  7. Hope in Inferno
  8. Lord, Master, King and Emperor - All in One
  9. Awakening
  10. Light the Flame (bonus track)
This Ending Lineup:

Linus Nirbrant - Guitars, Vocals, Keyboards
Mårten Hansen - Vocals
Linus Pettersson - Bass
Peter Nagy - Drums, Keyboards
Andreas Morén - Guitars

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