The Demon Who Makes Trophies of Men

The Monolith Deathcult

THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT has an Industrial influenced symphonic death metal sound that pushes the boundaries of Death Metal by creating unique dynamic soundscapes, often with comedic undertones.
July 7, 2024

MONOLITH DEATHCULT was formed way back at some point in 2002 within the town of Kampen, The Netherlands. Starting out on Cold Blood Industries with the release of their first full length album “The Apotheosis” in 2003 before releasing a number of albums with independently released singles such as one of their more popular singles “Connect the Goddamn Dots” that was streamed well over a million times before later releasing it under their last full length album  “V3 - Veneration: Connect the Goddamn Dots” under the label Human Detonator Records. Which I believe, is the band's own label but in collaboration with Season of Mist for selling purposes.

 Their latest album “The Demon Who Makes Trophies of Men '' was released on April 05, 2024 under their label of Human Detinator Records and marketed through Season of Mist, which produces a dynamic spectacle of unbridled creativity that has a simple but intriguing cover art. With a chalk like sketch with orange highlights and simplistic choice of fonts, it still draws you in. Especially with the strange complexity of the sketch that forms below an old tree trunk in rocks. The total length of this album is 48:43 minutes of dynamic soundscape.

 An interesting start to their latest album, we have “The Demon Who Makes Trophies of Men”. With a short intro of what sounds like a description of some kind of term before heading into a heavy guitar riff and some solid drumming. The symphonic elements harmonize over the riffs and add a nice melodic tonality. With a solid chord progression, the song hits a perfectly placed time switch before building up. With the drummer “Frank Schilperoort” counting in with those kicks that helps to build anticipation. The use of stereo is used here with sporadic comments which add further depth before hitting the main structure of the song. For a somewhat comedic song completely inspired and about the events from the movie 'Predator”, It is artistically done relatively well. I have to point out here, you need a good stereo or set of headphones to fully appreciate the creative sound dynamics that produce a form of ear candy.

 “Matadorrrrr” was tastefully done with a short backtrack that leads into a low tuned solid riff with heavy drumming. A gothic styled synth harmonizing over it all which further adds to the songs dynamic feel and tone. Well placed breakdowns and a technical progressive solo with a steady melodic slam death tone that carries the song on a steady timing before fading out into a growl.  

 Ending of this album we have“I Spew Thee Out Of My Mouth MMXXIII”. Beginning with a heavy distorted drowning chord progression with obscure whispering and spurts bass kicks that build with intensity following each chord struck. A well timed synth gothic tone kicks in shortly after as the chord progression builds into some heavy riffs. The Low visceral inhuman growls pick in that reminds us of, dare I say, Dimu Borgir. The overall dynamic and artistic tone is amazing. From the variations in vocals that seem to set the pace paired with that dark gothic a symphonic undertone that seeps into the tasty riffs. I found this song brilliantly executed as it closes with an electronic tone.

 To me, THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT has an Industrial influenced symphonic death metal sound that pushes the boundaries of Death Metal by creating unique dynamic soundscapes, often with comedic undertones. This band utilizes the stereo concept flawlessly with how the music was mixed and mastered. It creates a sound that bounces, pulls you in deeper.  But don't let the lack of seriousness and comedic value fool you, these guys know what they are doing and have clearly showcased it within their latest album “The Demon who Makes Trophies of Men”. I recommend getting a copy today, and be careful, it may end up as one of your guilty little pleasures that brings out some laughs while appealing to your appetite for metal.

From start to finish, the album “The Demon Who Makes Trophies Of Men” has a decent build up that carries through the overall theme and tonality of the album. From one song to the next, each with its own somewhat unique intros from one to the next and each song has a somewhat unique structure but each following an overall theme. There are comedic values and undertones, but are tastefully done without overdoing it and still giving you that solid symphonic death metal with some industrial influences that only add flavor to their sound. I would recommend listening to this album at least once and giving it a shot as it is definitely avant garde Death.

7 / 10









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"The Demon Who Makes Trophies of Men" Track-listing:

1. The Demon Who makes Trophies of Men 

2. Commanders Encircled with Foes 

3. Kindertodeslied MMXXIV 

4. The Nightmare Corpse-city of R’lyeh 

5. Gogmagog - The Bryansk Forest Re-visited 

6. Matador 

7. Three-Headed Death Machine 

8. I Spew Thee out of my Mouth MMXXIII


The Monolith Deathcult Lineup:

Robin Kok: Bass & vocals 

Michiel Dekker: Guitars & vocals 

Carsten Altena: Guitars & keyboards

Frank Schilperoort: Drums (session member)

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