Wild Fever

The Hazytones

THE HAZYTONES are slow. Just to put it all into context, THE HAZYTONES are too slow for Stoner Rock. On the other end of the spectrum, they are just not slow enough for pure Doom Metal.
June 16, 2024

It is quite apt that I am reviewing the new album by THE HAZYTONES on a lazy Sunday morning, as their brand of Stoner Rock/ Doom Metal will not make you speed up in any way or form. These Canadians are from Montreal in Quebec, the French are of Canada, but they do sing in English. They have been around since 2015, and in those nine years they have been able to conjure up enough energy to release three full-length album. Their debut album “The Hazytones” was released in 2016, whilst their following one “The Hazytones 2: Monarchs Of Oblivion” (brilliant title, by the way) came to the market in 2018. Now, after waiting another six years, it is time for “Wild Fever”.

Let me state first that I am not responsible for the title of the album, as it has no connection at all with what you get to hear for 40 minutes. Like I said, THE HAZYTONES are slow. Just to put it all into context, THE HAZYTONES are too slow for Stoner Rock. On the other end of the spectrum, they are just not slow enough for pure Doom Metal. As far as I’m concerned, they are neither here nor there. Unfortunately the same goes for the quality of their music, as it is neither fish nor flesh. But whatever it is, it is rather poor in taste. Never are you being elevated to a higher level by the music. It is bland, very predictable and is just as exciting as watching grass grow. That is not to say that the songs are really bad. They are not, but not once do you get the feeling that you are listening to anything that would make people look up and notice. This will just pass you by without you even noticing it.

It could have helped if “Wild Fever” would have been spiced up in one way or other. Now it’s just a pond full of lifeless koi carp. I have to say that I haven’t heard anything of THE HAZYTONES before, and after listening to “Wild Fever” it is not something I will attempt to do either. Although, I saw that the debut album got 90% on metal-archives.com. if that is the case, then they must have slipped considerably. I know there are people that will eat this up without reserve. Not me, I’ll pass. I love a good bit of Stoner or Doom, but this is simply very disappointing.

4 / 10

Nothing special








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"Wild Fever" Track-listing:


1. Wild Fever
2. Red
3. Inside Of Your Brain
4. Night Is Young
5. Disease
6. Down
7. God Told You
8. Eye For An Eye


The Hazytones Lineup:


John Choffel – lead guitars

Nick Martel – guitars, lead vocals, keyboards

Celeb Sanders – bass

Gabriel Prieur – drums, bass, lead vocals


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