Days Of Nothing

The Foreshadowing

This six piece band was formed in the fall of 2005 but had been as […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
November 26, 2007
The Foreshadowing - Days Of Nothing album cover

This six piece band was formed in the fall of 2005 but had been as an idea in the mind of Alessandro Pace since 1997. So, he joined with his friends Andrea Chiodetti (GRIMNESS, ex-SPIRITUAL FRONT) and Francesco Sosto to materialize his artistic vision. For the very beginning it bcame clear that the trio would take the Gothic Doom Metal path with some minor modern additions. During the years that followed, the lineup was solidified by three more additions and after almost seven years their debut full length album sees the light of the day through Candlelight Records.
Cold Waste is a real heavy opener that brings along some BLACK SABBATH influences in terms of slow and down tuned guitar riffs. The keyboard melodies reveal the Gothic Metal finishing touches that enhance the dark atmosphere of the album. Of course you can find some late PARADISE LOST influences in the guitar fills and leads in songs like The Wandering and the pretty fast Days Of Nothing. Sometimes, the band focuses too much on the dark and depressive atmosphere making certain songs (like Last Minute Train) sound rather predictable and almost uninteresting for some metalheads. On the other hand, fans of bands like MY DYING BRIDE and maybe FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM can enjoy the album and follow THE FORESHADOWING through haunting landscapes often described with the term Dark Gothic. The production of the album deserves some additional credit for the excellent sound with the wailing keyboard tunes that fit like a glove to Benevento's expressional vocals.   
THE FORESHADOWING do not re-discover the wheel or produce something groundbreaking with Days Of Nothing. So, you should carefully make the acquaintance of the band's sound, maybe by paying a visit to their official myspace page (click here to listen to some tracks), since you have to be a fan of this genre to join them.

7 / 10


"Days Of Nothing" Track-listing:

Cold Waste
The Wandering
Death Is Our Freedom
Last Minute Train
The Fall
Days Of Nothing
Into The Lips Of The Earth

The Foreshadowing Lineup:

Marco Benevento - Vocals
Alessandro Pace - Guitar
Andrea Chiodetti - Guitar
Francesco Sosto - Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Davide Pesola - Bass
Jonah Padeella - Drums

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