Razors Edge (The 1988 & 89 Demos)


I was quite disappointed in the sound of this TAZ album. Until I read the bio, and it actually is a rerelease of the 1988 and 1989 demos the band made. All of a sudden the quality of the record made a lot of sense.
September 16, 2024

There are albums out there that will have you getting up your hopes before you have received them in your mail box. TAZ was one of those for me, but alas, things didn;'t exactly go as planned. So, when I saw that this was supposed to be a reissue, I was quite disappointed in the sound of this TAZ album. Until I read the bio, and it actually is a rerelease of the 1988 and 1989 demos the band made. All of a sudden the quality of the record made a lot of sense. These guys from Clinton in Maryland, USA were oinly around for two years (from 1988 until 1990) when their other band SNOW WHITE was stagnating. In those 24 months they did record tweo demos, and the result of those two are put together on “Razors Edge (The 1988 & 89 Demos)”.

Let's start musical style first. Well, that's quite easy. They are like an 0.0% version of MÖTLEY CRÜE, like the little kid brother of their peers. And I know that I am a minority in this, but to be frank, in my eyes MÖTLEY CRÜE only made three good albums, the first two and the one with John Corabi. For the rest I felt they were a bit of a spineless party band. Let's consider them the full fledged whole hog straight shooting alcohol fueled article, that will get you in the right mood for partying. Then let your mind slink away towards an alcohol free version of them, so with even less substance to give you a good buzz. That is what you get when you listen to TAZ.

Even recording a cover (“Want Somebody to Love” by Jefferson Airplane) isn't enough to rescue them, as they have adapted it into a very annoying version of the original. The song “When I Look in Your Eyes” is by far the worst song of the eleven, what a toe curler that is. My fillings are even trying to leave my teeth. The only good thing that tune has done is solve my constipation, as my feces was quite willing to leave my body in a hurry. But then again, if you are a fan of the MÖTLEY CRÜE's of this world, you might like all of this. As you can gather, I definitely didn't. “Razors Edge (The 1988 & 89 Demos)” will be deleted from ny laptop once I've finished my review.

4 / 10

Nothing special








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"Razors Edge (The 1988 & 89 Demos)" Track-listing:


1 Dream Like This
2 All My Fault
3 Want Somebody to Love
4 Hell without You
5 When I Look in Your Eyes
6 Cross My Heart
7 Hell without You (89’ version)
8 Razor’s Edge
9 Streets of Fire
10 The Way You Look
11 Don’t Always Get What You Want

TAZ Lineup:

1988 Line-up:
Karl “Taz Von Holm” Peck – Lead vocals
Karen Kreutzer – Guitars
Lori Price – Guitars
George Dimitri – Bass
Mike DelBorello – Drums

1989 Line-up:
Karl “Taz Von Holm” Peck – Lead vocals
JR Kelly – Guitars
Ed Avella – Guitars
George Dimitri – Bass
John Sennett – Drums

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