Under the Veiled Throne

Summoning the Lich

Hailing from Missouri, in the United States, comes Melodic Death Metal/Deathcore band called SUMMONING THE […]
August 5, 2024

Hailing from Missouri, in the United States, comes Melodic Death Metal/Deathcore band called SUMMONING THE LICH. Formed in 2017, “Under the Veiled Thone” is the band’s sophomore release. “Return to the Soil” is the song, and out of the gates, it is aggressive, heavy, and highly technical, and the vocals vary from high pitched screams to deep guttural. There are even some light symphonic elements in the mix. “The Forest Feasts” is another tightly executed song with a real display of musicianship, and it come across as an amalgam of Death Metal and Thrash Metal for me. There is also a pervasive darkness that stays present throughout the song.

“My Horrors Unending” is a hardened slab of Death Metal that is unrelenting from start to finish, and forget melody, because it is very dissonant. It is also a speedy song, akin to pressing down the gas pedal all the way to the floor. “The Carrion Fleet” has a wider and more expansive sound, and the band really showcases their impeccable musicianship through a song that burns hot and leave ashes in its wake. “Arrias Groans” is another tightly wound track. The band is really exceptional at their sense of timing, which is crucial to their sound. Try as you may, you could not squeeze in a dime anywhere in the album. “Will to Survive” is another heavy hitter, and at this point in the album, the songs proceed to pound you over the head with the force of a sledge hammer.

“Potion Seller” is dark, thick, and intense, and you have to wonder why the drummer and guitar players aren’t running out of gas. It’s quite difficult to keep up this level of intensity for as long as they have. “The Void Gate” finally hears the pace slow just a bit. It is still as thick as quicksand, mind you, and that kind of muck is sharp and pungent. There are also some sad tones here, but they are washed with a firm hand. “Praise to the Bog” closes the album, and it has a steady level of intensity akin to pouring gasoline on a fire. Forget everything you know, these guys shove this sound down your throat until you become a minion to their trade. For me, the album is all about the expert use of rhythms, and of cadence. It is so damn tightly wound that unravelling it might disrupt the cosmos. They are phenomenal musicians, and their talent shines brightly on “Under the Veiled Throne.”

8 / 10









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"Under the Veiled Throne" Track-listing:

1. Return to the Soil

2. Reviled Crystal Wielders

3. The Forest Feasts

4. My Horrors Unending

5. Bastell Dirge

6. The Carrion Fleet

7. Arrias Groans

8. Will to Survive

9. Potion Seller

10. The Void Gate

11. Praise to the Bog


Summoning the Lich Lineup:

TJ Chilton – Drums

Ryan Felps – Guitars

David Bruno – Vocals

Muck – Guitars


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