

SODOMISERY’s ‘Mazzaroth’ is an album that needs to be heard because it definitely deserves to make some year-end best of lists.
November 16, 2023

SODOMISERY is a melodic death/black metal band from Sweden that formed in 2015. ‘Mazzaroth’ is their second full length album and they have also released an EP.This album is one of the best surprises I’ve heard all year. Before receiving this album, I had never heard of the band. But apparently, I’ve been missing out because ‘Mazzaroth’ is an extremely well written and produced album. Their sound definitely blends black and death metal but it is also melodic in just the right places, including the use of both clean vocals and passages into their repertoire. The whole journey, consisting of nine tracks with a tight 35 minute run time, is a very smoothly flowing experience.

The opening song is ‘Coming Home’ and is immediately blistering with blackened riffs and raging drums—super fast but also super focused. The riffs are simple but very catchy, complimenting the tone of the song. The vocals are kick ass, a perfect blackened growl that can also be understood. The clean mid section may be a departure from the minutes that came before it flows in and out of the passage and makes sense within the confines of the album. The clean vocals are great and compliment the lighter playing before the song kicks it back into high gear. ‘Delusion’ balances light and heavy elements from the opening seconds with the subtle use of keyboards against the heavier riffs and drumming. The guitars remain catchy and the song gives me huge OLD MANS CHILD vibes. I love the way the drums ramp up the energy of the song without being overbearing. The solo near the end is emotive and soaring, perfectly finding a home within the song.

Master of Your Mind’ finds the band taking a slower, more methodical approach for a bit before sliding back into a more energetic tone. The song switches back and forth between these more intense passages and the atmospheric ones but does so effortlessly. A great, great song and one of my favorites on the album. The title track is another banger, this time opening with an expansive melodic movement that shows the depth of the song. As the vocals and drums rage forth, the riffs start and stop, with the keys shining through the spaces in between. Very clever and catchy—this band can write a damn song! The last minute or so of the song is a beautiful atmospheric movement that is just as engaging as the carnage that came before.

The last full length song is ‘Demon In Heaven,’ and it's a banger. Furious drums, chaotic vocals, and demonic riffs colliding with moving, expansive soundscapes for a song that feels far larger and more epic than some songs that are triple its length. I’m highly impressed with this album and blown away by the quality of the music and the way it sounds. SODOMISERY’s ‘Mazzaroth’ is an album that needs to be heard because it definitely deserves to make some year-end best of lists.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Mazzaroth" Track-listing:
  1. Coming Home
  2. Psychogenic
  3. Delusion
  4. A Storm Without a Wind
  5. Master of Your Mind
  6. Mazzaroth
  7. Rebuilding
  8. Demon in Heaven
  9. Ephemeral Requiem
Sodomisery Lineup:

Harris Sopovic - Guitars, Vocals
Paul Viscolit - Bass
Viktor Eklund - Drums

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