Excorcized To None

Slaughter Messiah

“Excorcized To None” is fast, aggressive, and evil. It combines the best of Thrash, Death, and Black Metal
October 8, 2024

SLAUGHTER MESSIAH hailing from Belgium were formed in 2008. The Black/Thrash/Death Metal outfit released one full-length and one live album. “Excorcized To None” is their fourth EP and it was mixed and mastered by Sascha Bastian (NOCTURNAL; SOULS PERVERSOR) at Journey Into Eternity Studio. Additional mixing was done by Daniel Heyn. The EP has a length of about 15 minutes, and it was released via German Thrash, Doom, and Heavy Metal specialists High Roller Rocords. Depending on the version there might be live versions of each track available, here I review the studio track version of the EP. The EP starts with the title track, and after a cinematic spoken word intro, “Exorcized To None” has a very strong and powerful start. After the opening sequences at a measured tempo, the track develops into an aggressive affair at crazy pace with direct guitar riffing leading the charge. The vocals are harsh and vary around the medium end of the vocal range with some tonal shifts towards higher notes and screams delivering some Black Metal twists. The track is a bit of a mixture with Thrash and Death Metal elements, whereas the Death Metal parts are melodic. The melodies are grim, partially epic and melancholic. “Exorcized To None” is an excellent track to open the EP and it is the official video release with the YouTube link provided below.

Bells Of Damnation” maintains the tempo of the opening track for most of the time. There are a few switches towards mid-tempo for the bridges leading to the chorus part. The melodies are again spine-chilling. The riffing and the drumming are both Thrash Metal inspired. The verse and chorus parts follow the same frantic rhythm with aggressive riffing. The extended mid-tempo break focusses on the dark melodies and central to that is an excellent lead guitar solo, which gives the track an additional layer. The six minutes Thrash/Death Metal assault is clearly the highlight of the EP. The final track is the self-named “Slaughter Messiah” and after a few exchanges at mid-tempo, the track continues with insanity in pace and rhythm. The riffing is direct and simple during the verse parts. The chorus parts slow down to mid-tempo with the chorus lines almost being anthemic. The whole sound reminds me on the early SODOM period with Black Metal inspired vocals. The extended lead guitar solo is the highlight of the track.

SLAUGHTER MESSIAH release an EP that is fast, aggressive, and evil. “Excorcized To None” combines the best of Thrash, Death, and Black Metal. Based upon classical Thrash Metal roots, the tracks are a Death Metal delivery of spine-chilling melodies with Black Metal inspired vocals that keep the whole sound together. The EP is well produced. Fans of those extreme Metal genres will be delighted about “Excorcized To None” and will hope for a new full-length album of SLAUGHTER MESSIAH soon.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Excorcized To None" Track-listing:
  1. Exorcized To None
  2. Bells Of Damnation
  3. Slaughter Messiah


Slaughter Messiah Lineup:

L. Sabathan Vocals, Bass

R. Desecrator Guitars

D. Horse Guitars

J. Berry Drums

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