Spilling the Astral Chalice


This is Death Metal, through and through, but it also has an air of sophistication to it. Many of its mysteries are hidden in its layers, and you have to peel them back to experience them. As technical as it is Progressive, it hits the listener on a variety of levels and emotions, and makes one think deeply. My only complaint about the album is that I want more…the darkness summons.
August 13, 2024

From Slovenia, comes Darkened Death Metal band SIDEREAN. Formed in 2020, this is the band’s sophomore release. From their record label’s website, the band made the following statement. “We are very excited to share some news with you – the time has come for us to begin a new chapter. We have decided to depart from the TELEPORT constellation and continue our journey as SIDEREAN. What began as petty legal threats by a former member turned out in the end to be an incentive for us to evolve and create with an even fiercer energy.”

The album has six songs, and “Emerald Age” is first. The sound is provocative…the music is smooth, and gentle, with trumpet notes, but the vocals are harsh and cut through them like a serial killer on a spree. There is also a heavy tone of darkness, and even depression present. “Forces” is much more energetic, with some dexterous bass guitar notes and some dissonance from the main riff. The harsh vocals are so guttural at times that they seem to make the entire song reverberate. It is really unlike anything else that I have heard. “The Coming Tides” rumbles out of the date with jumpy bass notes, guttural vocals, and more dissonant riffing. Many of the Progressive elements in the music come from the meter that is ever-shifting, and the ending keyboard notes are icing on the cake.

“The Sacred Sea” has a heavier and more technical sound, and both the guitar work and bass work are quite accomplished. Listen to the drummer as well, the way he keeps up with all of the shifts is impressive. Their sense of timing is impeccable as well. “To Build Ruins” is a ten minute opus. The development is slow, and shrouded in darkness, and mystery. Let it play upon your sense of curiosity. It seems to get more dissonant as it continues on, as well as darker, but the end is somewhat gentle. “Visions” closes the album, and dissonant brush strokes color the dark grey palate. It is like the beast of the ocean, existing in the deep, and not risking being seen. Yet everywhere you turn, you can feel its massive structure, and it forever plagues you with nightmares.

This is Death Metal, through and through, but it also has an air of sophistication to it. Many of its mysteries are hidden in its layers, and you have to peel them back to experience them. As technical as it is Progressive, it hits the listener on a variety of levels and emotions, and makes one think deeply. My only complaint about the album is that I want more…the darkness summons.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Spilling the Astral Chalice" Track-listing:

1. Emerald Age

2. Forces

3. The Coming Tides

4. The Sacred Sea

5. To Build Ruins

6. Visions


Siderean Lineup:

Lovro Babič – Bass

Darian Kocmur – Drums

Matija Dolinar – Guitars

David Kocmur – Guitars

Jan Brišar – Vocals


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