Wheel Of Time
Savage Blood

SAVAGE BLOOD are a five piece power metal band from Germany and they have been on the scene since their formation in the year of 2016, since then they have amazed us with ‘their energetic live performance and unique mixture of traditional heavy metal and a portion of thrash metal, the band has quickly gained a loyal fan base and has already played several shows and festivals’. So it is evident we can expect great things from this power metal group, as we are introduced to the band with PETER DIERSMANN whose on vocals, then there are two guitarists; JORG STEINHAKE and TIMIOS ZOURIDAKIS, on bass guitar duties is MICHAEL WACHTER and finally on drums is MARC KONNECKE.
Vocalist PETER and drummer were also once members of another band, called ENOLA GAY, so this is their next adventure together with three new members forming a great band that I am sure will surpass your expectations if you are a big fan of power metal and thrash metal being merged as one genre. So the band shot straight into releasing an EP which was self-titled containing six tracks altogether, in 2016 as this EP was the best start for the band, as this release was full of everything we could want from a heavy metal band. Of course you can hear the elements of thrash and power metal also in the guitars as well as the drums, even vocals do represent these two sub genres being mashed together as one.
So onwards to the band’s next release was their debut album titled DOWNFALL as this came to be on release in June 2020, containing a new single also called SAVAGE BLOOD as well as seven other tracks. What this album brought to the table was just sensational and exquisite heavy metal heaven, as we hear the conjuring guitar riffs, as well as sharp and penetrating drums not to mention the hardcore vocals shouting from on top of everything. After this release, what was next you ask? Well I guess the band enjoyed performing as much as they could after the successful release of their debut album, but it wasn’t to be for another three years till their next release. Yes after sometime their second album has arrived just before the year of 2023 had ended, which also featured a new single, the album itself titled WHEEL OF TIME, containing eight tracks as the album opens with “Battle Cry”.
The introductory track opens with glamorous guitar riffs with such melodic masterwork as the guitarist are really brought to the fore in the mix of this track, drums do contribute so much and vocals come in with a shrieking cry for attention. Stamping drums are in motion as vocals take over, with guitars not as present but they come back when vocals take a breath, when the time is presented to them, drums are launching into a full on assault as hell has been unleashed upon the listener. What a fantastic start to this album, the tonality and overall sound of the band is just bliss, a real head banger of a track as it closes with a full band unison, taking us into the next track which is “Warriors Of The Fortress”.
This second track has whispering guitar sounds before a drum crescendo, as lead guitar can be heard with the second guitar part playing in synchronisation with lead guitar or responding to the lead guitars riff playing. Even the bass guitar can be heard in this track subtle but still there, vocals come in with fury and menacing mannerisms, guitar plays a cool little riff when vocals sing with them simultaneously. Crushing drums do carry the band on with melodic guitar riffs, vocals at times doubled up by the sounds of it or there is another layer of a vocal line singing as backup, a nice guitar solo comes after this, as we soldier on into the next track “Oblivion”. Reverb guitar opens this track with a short delay then both guitars have a crescendo of their own, so into the forbidden forest of heavy metal we go.
Top class guitar playing with lots of melody and vocals are in there sooner than expected as they stand out from the band, until we come to another instrumental section for guitar to really give us the best sensational solo work before vocals return to the fore. As the vocals even take a deeper tone as we hear the bellowing of lead vocals, with so much umph and low end, so into the next track which is “Believer”, as this track as galloping guitars are first in with punching drums. Vocals come in but there is such a good balance and contrast between the different instruments, each one has their own space in the sound field, as no part of the band is left out.
An instrumental section as guitars lead from the front, drums still present as is bass guitar, not long before vocals come back, as there seems to be more than one vocal line or just overdubbed in some way. Another chance for guitar to swallow up drums and bass guitar, as they take over with some melodic playing then back out drums go, as does bass guitar, vocals appear briefly before the closing notes, so we can now go onwards into the next track “Raven Crown”. A few knocks by drums and then straight into the hard rocking verse and chorus as the guitars are in there with vocals taking the lead so far, but guitars & drums do have a lot of time to expand their skills, for showing us what they are made of. The tempo is certainly right for the verse and then goes a bit faster in the two other sections so very appropriate for the style the band are.
So we can move onto the next track which is “Lord Of The Dark” as bass guitar brings us in first with a different tempo from before, as drums does mark the pace of this track as before, so a different feel to this track. Even the inclusion of double kicks by drums adds a nice touch to the overall sound and texture, vocals very much executing their objective, even the instrumental parts are so cool. After this there is whopper guitar solos and a nice ring of those guitars before more mellow guitar tone comes, slowly and going at a slower tempo with drums marching along to the beat of this transition. A final say from vocals, before we enter the penultimate track which is “Lost Memories”, so guitar opens this track before drums do emerge from the shadows.
As a bone crunching drum pattern is in full swing, so all very tasty stuff indeed, all instruments are given the green light for now, with guitars achieving so much in melody and tonality so very enjoyable to hear in this track. A clear cut pace and tempo as we can hear the full sound of drums with depth and clarity, vocal do become more passionate about their goal in this track and they certainly smash it. A blistering and fantastic instrumental section follows after, with such talent and charisma, guitar hitting those higher notes, as we approach the final track. What can we say but a great album, as the final track really shows this, there is such a great sound overall, even the vocals do stand out in “Wheel Of Time” as guitars are ecstatic as before, with drumming so dynamics and bossing the tempo around with glory.
The tempo is on the rise when the time is right, with drums at least but can vary between this tempo and a slower tempo, where drums dictate what happens next with guitars and vocals also. An enchanting and enthusiastic instrumental section follows on as drums and guitars give the listener so much to take away from this final track as well as the album as a whole, so there we must leave it as the album closes, a great album indeed. I very much enjoyed it, it is clear the thrash metal vibe is supreme, so go on then, take a listen to these guys, they are tremendous.
8 / 10

"Wheel Of Time" Track-listing:
1. Battle Cry
2. Warriors Of The Fortress
3. Oblivion
4. Believer
5. Raven Crown
6. Lord Of The Dark
7. Lost Memories
8. Wheel Of The Time
Savage Blood Lineup:
Peter Diersmann - Vocals
Jörg Steinhake - Guitars
Timios Zouridakis - Guitars
Michael Wächter - Bass Guitar
Marc Könnecke - Drums
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