Under My Skin


“Under My Skin” is a solid full-length debut from S.O.R.M., certainly meeting the expectation set by their 2020 EP, “Hellraiser.”
November 17, 2023

In 1998, B.R.M.C. asked to no one in particular: “Whatever happened to my rock 'n' roll?” It’s a question I hear all the time, usually in response to a Taylor Swift video. Well, 25 years later Swedish rockers, S.O.R.M., provide an answer—not through one cleverly titled song but through their music. Rock isn’t dead, they respond, though it may have moved to Sweden.

On August 8, 2023, S.O.R.M. released their debut full-length album, “Under My Skin,” via Noble Demon. What does S.O.R.M. stand for? The band isn’t saying and instead suggests fans use their imagination. Google, lacking an actual imagination, offered up State Office of Risk Management or State of the River Management. I’m going with Satanic Origami Reality Mantas.

Regardless of the mystery behind their moniker, S.O.R.M specializes in straight-forward rock and roll. Although they are a trio, they are often joined by Anna Brygård who provides backing vocals on eight of the eleven tracks. There are also keyboards on the same tracks, provided by Henrik Karlsson (seven tracks) and John Lönnmy (one track). The additions afford more depth. I should also mention that “Die For My Rock 'N’ Roll” features a wicked solo by DEE SNIDER guitarist Nick Petrino and the backing vocals for “Under My Skin” is really more of a duet.

To be clear, S.O.R.M. is in no way a heavy metal band. At most they could be called Hard Rock. Which isn’t a bad thing. Just calling it out as this magazine tends to cover Extreme Metal. I wouldn’t want any metalhead to be emotionally scarred from exposure to non-lethal riffs. With that said, “Crash and Burn” comes closest to a proper metal track, with some solid riffage and NWBHM soprano vocals. Other heavies include “Hellride” (of course) and “Shotgun Johnny.” Surprisingly, “Die for My Rock ‘N’ Roll” doesn’t call out the heavy artillery but instead canters into a rock ballad. And although “Under My Skin” is even slower, it is fairly moving and visceral—definitely deserving the title-track position. Reminiscent of MEATLOAF.

All together “Under My Skin” is a solid full-length debut from S.O.R.M., certainly meeting the expectation set by their 2020 EP, “Hellraiser.” They won’t replace your favorite Death or Black Metal band, but they may be a good stand-in for the FM rock of lore.

7 / 10









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"Under My Skin" Track-listing:

1. Hellride

2. Shotgun Jonny

3. Die For My Rock 'N’ Roll (feat. Nick Petrino)

4. Dark World

5. Too Hot For Your Love

6. Crazy

7. Demon Child

8. In Peace

9. Ready To Fly

10. Under My Skin

11. Crash And Burn


S.O.R.M. Lineup:

Micke Holm – Guitars, vocals

Johan Östman – Bass

Robin Wernebratt – Drums

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