Age of Chaos

Rotten UK

ROTTEN UK. They must really hate the UK, although they themselves are from Rochester. No, not the one in Kent, England, but the one in New York, USA. Does that shine through in the music on offer on “Age Of Chaos”? No, it doesn't, it could just as easy been from anywhere in the world, but most likely the UK. It's hard, heavy, uncopmpromising and ruthless.
August 20, 2024

As I am an old fart, I feel that I am allowed to put the next sentence down in theis review. I know that originality in music is hard to achieve in this day and age, with so many things already having been done before. Sometimes good, other times, less so. In order to make a difference you can either enhance the quality of what you have done before and diversify slowly but surely, or you can gtake something that already has been done and try te recreate that in your own way. The latter is what ROTTEN UK have done on the album I am currently listening to, their sophomore one, called “Age Of Chaos”. They have tried to give their brand of Punk a second life. The question is, have they done enough to surprise and convince me as a listener?

The debut album of ROTTEN UK, “That Is Not Dead”, was released in 2016 and I would not have known that if it weren't for the information oin the record company website. Thank you, Hells Headbangers. The same goes for the lineup, I only found out who was playing what by looking at some live footage. Then you really do hear and feel that they have peers in bands like GBH, DISCHARGE and THE EXPLOITED. But that they also don't have a problem with adding a bit of Thrash Metal into their Punk music.

As for their name, ROTTEN UK. They must really hate the UK, although they themselves are from Rochester. No, not the one in Kent, England, but the one in New York, USA. Does that shine through in the music on offer on “Age Of Chaos”? No, it doesn't, it could just as easy been from anywhere in the world, but most likely the UK. It's hard, heavy, uncopmpromising and ruthless. But unfortunately, it also doesn't cut the msutard when it comes to having a touch of quality. It is lacking that bit of extra that will make your hair stand on end, make you take notice, divert your brain towards the music. Everything I hear is okay, just level to or slightly above par, but never special. Neither is it ever bad, lifeless or without inspiration. Because that is what keeps me listening, their positive attitude and dedication. No, ROTTEN UK might not be that good, but it isn't that bad either. “Age Of Chaos” is very much inbetween those two.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Age of Chaos" Track-listing:

1. Annihilation Desecration
2. Insurgence
3. Moorhounds
4. Ten Of Swords
5. Condemned By Chaos
6. Fear Knot
7. Baphomet Rising
8. Age Of Chaos
9. Decolonization
10. Rain On My Funeral
11. A Witch Is Born
12. City Of 1000 Ghosts
13. Into The Abyss
14. Broken Door
15. No Supremacy

Rotten UK Lineup:

Fran Damage - Drums
Sinn Vicious - Vocals
Matt Sexxx - Bass
Anarchy Jake - Guitars

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