Wildly Possessed


Both lyrically and sonically, it’s as over-the-top as it gets, and is simultaneously thrashy, blackened, and death metally, with as much wanton evil packed into every song as possible. These seven devilish little ditties have been an absolute delight to work with, so let’s get started.
July 23, 2024

When I first hit play on Canadian band REVERSED’s 2024 album “Wildly Possessed,” I was not prepared for how fun of a ride I was in for. When I hear metal referred to as “the devil’s music,” this is the kind of thing I hear in my head. Both lyrically and sonically, it’s as over-the-top as it gets, and is simultaneously thrashy, blackened, and death metally, with as much wanton evil packed into every song as possible. These seven devilish little ditties have been an absolute delight to work with, so let’s get started. Our first stop is the title track, a quick little instrumental intro that is straight-up thrashy as all get out. I absolutely love the slow, dramatic start that rips into a wild riff. This track packs an awful lot into less than two minutes and sets the stage beautifully for the spectacle to follow. 

The drummer is absolutely killing it all through “Maelstrom Juggernaut.” This one leans more blackened death metal; the vocals drip with venom and the lyrics are just deliciously unwholesome. “Hungry Graves” builds an atmosphere of utter dread with lyrics about trapped souls, before an unsettling female chorus ultimately leads us into “Beneath Evil Eyes,” which features a scream that would get even Tom Araya’s respect. The lead on this one is a scorcher, too, reminiscent of something straight out of the 80’s in the best way. The vocals on “Final Death” are commanding and growly and delightfully terrifying, a grim chant about the ultimate doom.

Frankly the title of “Rusted Breath” alone is a combination of words so vivid and unusual that one can’t help but take note of it and the track itself follows suit. The vocals are nearly reminiscent of the Dead version of “Freezing Moon” by MAYHEM, with thrash instruments. Our finale, “Black Seed,” wraps it all up with some artful repetition; repeated musical phrases and lyrics that get more and more unintelligible with each repeat. I have had an unbelievably good time with this album and it’s one I’ll absolutely be revisiting and recommending to my friends. I am such a big fan of the drums and guitar work on this little beast. The production leans more black metal but with the fun of thrash and the gratuitousness of death metal, and it scratches a very specific type of itch. If you’re after music that drips wickedness and witchery at every turn, stop whatever you’re doing right now, give “Wildly Possessed” a spin, and thank me later.


9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Wildly Possessed" Track-listing:

1. Wildly Possessed

2. Maelstrom Juggernaut

3. Hungry Graves

4. Beneath Evil Eyes

5. Final Death

6. Rusted Breath

7. Black Seed

Reversed Lineup:

Rusted Blade - Vocals and Guitar

Restless Grave - Guitar and Vocals

Wretched Intrancer - Bass

M.S. Nigredo - Drums

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