Deal in Steel
Reverend Hound

I listened to “Deal in Steel” by REVEREND HOUND today and had to check my calendar to verify I was in 2024 and not 1978. Though “Deal in Steel” was released on May 24, 2024, it hearkens to an age of locomotive riffs, soaring vocals, hearty bass lines, and racing tempos. Today we call it Traditional Heavy Metal and those who partake in its revitalization make up a new tradition called NWOTHM. Yep, Metal’s penchant for alphabet soup acronyms knows no bounds.
While I had my calendar open, I also checked to see how long it has been since we last heard from REVEREND HOUND. Six years was the answer. But apart from me and my mystical calendar of obscure metal milestones, who’s counting? What matters is the now. And now we have the third offering from REVEREND HOUND. Pull on your boots, it’s time to ride . . . or mosh.
“Deal in Steel” delivers a shedload of Metal with eight tracks hammered out over 51 minutes with nary a pause. The only moment even resembling an interlude is a short acoustic intro to the final track, and that hardly qualifies as a breather. Like most Traditional Heavy Metal, the songs have an epic vibe to them with lyrics about badassery, defeating enemies, and overcoming obstacles. The riffs are crisp, the vocals clean, and the production values sharp. I wouldn’t describe the songwriting as brilliant, but it does have a gusty charm.
Standout tracks are “Seeds of Faith,” the longest track on the album, featuring a stunning lead solo, a big fat drop, and a rousing chorus that’ll inspire you to battle the masses with nought but claw and fang; “Rain,” which veritably rains Thrashy riffs as heavily as fist-sized hail; and the Prog-proportioned closing track, “A Cry for Light.”
I was listening to traditional heavy metal before it was traditional. I bought “Killers” when it was new, I watch Heavy Metal Parking with teary-eyed nostalgia, and I get all the jokes in This Is Spinal Tap. REVEREND HOUND’s “Deal in Steel” taps into the era of Traditional Heavy Metal, pouring a foamy mug of heady golden brew. It’s heavy, it’s intoxicating, and it’s a total blast.
7 / 10

"Deal in Steel" Track-listing:
1. The Night
2. Hounds of the Sea
3. Days of Wrath
4. Glory
5. Seeds of Faith
6. Rain
7. Fallen Angels
8. A Cry for Light
Reverend Hound Lineup:
Wolfgang Gräbner – Vocals
Thomas Meyns – Guitar
Sebastian Weinstock – Guitar
Markus Brendel – Bass
Andreas Lorenz – Drums
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