Mistaken For Dead


I don't know why, but the first band that came to me when I saw […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
August 8, 2008
Resurrection - Mistaken For Dead album cover

I don't know why, but the first band that came to me when I saw the RESURRECTION album was the Swedish Black Metal outfit, but I later realized a couple of things. The band had changed its name to LOGIC SEVERED and they had split up. So after coming back to reality I realized that I had completely forgotten the fact that the US metallers RESURRECTION were back to life and they had a brand new album waiting for us!

These metallers were formed back in 1990 in Tampa, Florida and lasted for six years until their 'demise' in 1996. As it seems though, RESURRECTION members could not stand being away from this band and reformed in 2005 to offer a brand new full-length album three years later through the German label Massacre Records.

So, do you remember RESURRECTION, the band that had released the really good Embalmed Existence (1993) through Nuclear Blast?  So many years have passed but the Tampa, Florida based metallers remain faithful to their traditional sound while speeding up a bit and making some modern adjustments. But don't be afraid, they didn't take the Nu or the Core path. They sometimes reminded me a lot of OBITUARY since the music sounds similar, and Degoyler also tries to make this 'rotten' filthy style of vocals that Tardy is known about.

The tempo varies, since RESURRECTION tip us with fast and furious outbreaks full of shredding guitars and relentless drumming, as well as mid tempo Death Metal riffing. The guitar work is really good and the whole work that has been done is really professional. The sound is one more positive fact, sine the one who was responsible for the recording is the one and only James Murphy and the mixing was done by Mark Lewis, known for his work with TRIVIUM, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER and many more.

So what would you say about some nice and face melting Death Metal. A quote I came across while surfing on the net may help you a bit more. One of the few Death Metal bands that manage to sound really fast without using blastbeats.

7 / 10


"Mistaken For Dead" Track-listing:

Buried Alive
Perils Of Burden
Death By Desire
The Deceiver
Ritual Slaughter
Thirst For Flesh

Resurrection Lineup:

Paul Degoyler - Vocals
John Astl - Guitar
Jerry Mortellaro - Guitar
Scott Patrick - Bass Guitar
Gus Rios - Drums

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