

This was an outstanding album, that crossed somewhere into the Doom Metal genre, but stayed out of the box and boundaries associated therein. It was as gorgeous and heart-tugging as it was ardent, intense and passionate.
September 20, 2024

From Bandcamp, “While writing our upcoming album (due later this year), we ended up with three songs that no longer fit the album's themes as it began to take shape. Rather than let these songs become lost in the ether, we wanted to gather them here in their own collection. So we present our EP, “Erebus,” consisting of two songs from the writing sessions of our second album and one song written early in 2023 featuring our friends Emilio Crespo and Renan Bianchi.” The album has three songs.

The title track is first. The opening tones are mystical from a combination of keyboards and other ambient textures, and the first few notes of guitar are somber and ominous. Clean female vocals pierce the veil with elegance, and beauty, and there are heavy and weighted undertones in the instruments. “Cinderfall” is another winner, and these first two songs have really peaked my interest in hearing their forthcoming album. The vocals are tender and sweet, but are also packed with depression. The song seems to occupy that intangible place that exists between consciousness and death, where glimpses of the latter are offered as snippets.

“Siren’s Sleep” closes the EP, and it has a harder structure. This is full on Doom Metal, but done with grace and opulence. The juxtaposition between the wistful sounds of the clean vocals with the contentious music is quite striking. Add in the harsh vocals, and you have even more texture, and more context. This was an outstanding album, that crossed somewhere into the Doom Metal genre, but stayed out of the box and boundaries associated therein. It was as gorgeous and heart-tugging as it was ardent, intense and passionate.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Erebus" Track-listing:

1. Erebus

2. Cinderfall

3. Siren's Sleep


Remina Lineup:

Mike Lamb – Guitars, Bass, Drums, Keyboards

Heike Langhans – Vocals, Keyboards


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