Encompassing The Unknown


A Metal lullaby.
September 1, 2024

We have some Gothic Metal from Finland today kids. The band is RELICON and despite being created 15 years ago, they are releasing their second work as a 4 track EP called Encompassing The Unknown via Wormholedeath Records. This arrives 12 years after the release of their first album Session 3. Let’s check what they have to offer. The first track is in this short EP is  “Encompassing The Unknown” as the EP title. I have to confess that I like what I hear. A well produced tune with well arranged acoustic guitar parts and a light vocal output. We are not looking for anything heavy here. Is more like a progressive light rock very well arranged but without any of the Heavy Metal histrionics.

We follow with “Terrible Uncertainty” that starts with a non distorted guitar riff that it is in a strange and interesting time signature as you notice when the drum starts. Another intricate arrangement on this track that reminds me of a softer TOOL. Keyboards are well used in all tracks and you will notice that we are dealing with well seasoned musicians. We get into another interesting time signature for “The Everyday” that has the vocal lines followed by a soft keyboard melody copying the vocal. In regards to the vocal, I like it, but it needs more punch. It looks like the singer recorded the album laid down on his couch and there is not much passion felt on the deliverance. I do not believe the heavier musical output in the background will work with such a soft vocal approach in a live setting as it is also not working for me in the recording.

We end our short journey with another good arrangement and time signature in the track "Clandestined".  The vocal melodies are nice and I believe I like this track the most in this album. However, I believe the band would profit a lot by hiring a good singer with a more expressive voice to match the good musicianship in the background. Otherwise it sounds like your dad is singing a lullaby for you.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Encompassing The Unknown" Track-listing:

1. Encompassing The Unknown
2. Terrible Uncertainty
3. The Everyday
4. Clandestined

Relicon Lineup:

Mikko Kuhno-drums
Tuukka Mauranen-bass
Antti-Pekka Meronen- guitars, keyboards and vocals
Tommi Palomäki- saxophone

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