The Fullness Of Time


Redemption is a progressive Power Metal band formed in Los Angeles, California in late 2000 […]
By Panagiotis Koutsompogeras
September 13, 2005
Redemption - The Fullness Of Time album cover

Redemption is a progressive Power Metal band formed in Los Angeles, California in late 2000 by guitarist / keyboardist / songwriter Nicolas van Dyk. If you are into progressive stuff then maybe Redemption is your new love! After their self titled debut, The Fullness of Time continues their effort for Prog Metal domination! These guys seem very eager to conquer (or should I say re-conquer?) the scene!
The whole atmosphere strongly reminds me of Prog Metal full of an experimental mood. Having a super group type of band like Redemption is not an easy case. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The entire climate here is dark and quite complicated. There are many melodic lines behind the walls of ever changing rhythms which make Redemption's proposal sound interesting enough. Only if you are not an acquainted listener with the genre (just like me!) will you have difficulties in comprehending their music.
There are many complex songs like Sapphire which will take you quite some time to understand their meaning. There seems to be a very nice blend of rhythm changes and musical ideas all over this record. If you are not a Prog Metal fan though then this might not be the record for you. You can find elements of bands such as Symphony X, Fates Warning, Kamelot, Dream Theater and many more here. The voice of Ray Alder is a powerful weapon in Redemption's hands! The album closes with the Fullness Of Time suite which is composed by four songs (Rage, Despair, Release and Transcendence).
The production of Tommy Newton has given The Fullness of Time a very distinctively clean and tight sound! I think that this album might be one of the most interesting artistic proposals for the Prog / Power genre in 2005. Let us leave father time and you decide about that!
- Album Highlights: Threads, Scarred, Sapphire, Fullness of Time: Release and Fullness of Time: Transcendence.

7 / 10


"The Fullness Of Time" Track-listing:

Parker's Eyes
Fullness of Time: Rage
Fullness of Time: Despair
Fullness of Time: Release
Fullness of Time: Transcendence

Redemption Lineup:

Chris Quirarte - Drums
Nick van Dyk - Guitar & Keyboards
Ray Alder - Vocals
Bernie Versailles - Guitar
James Sherwood - Bass

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