Veil Of Mourn (Reissue)


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: RAMPAGE; signed via Relics From […]
By Craig Rider
January 17, 2023
Rampage - Veil Of Mourn (Reissue) album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: RAMPAGE; signed via Relics From The Crypt Records/Dying Victims Productions, hailing from Australian grounds - performing Progressive Speed/Thrash Metal, on their debut reissued album entitled: "Veil Of Mourn" (released December 16th, 2022). Since formation in 1985 until 1988; now split up, Relics From The Crypt/Dying Victims have resurrected their debut record: "Veil Of Mourn" for the new generation to educate themselves with to rock to some old school Progressive Speed/Thrash Metal maelstrom magnificence. The trio in question have only 2 demos entitled: "Acid Storm" (released July 1986), "Rampage" (released May 1987) & this here debut record in their discography so far of which I am introduced to. 14 tracks ranging around 01:03:43; RAMPAGE arrange an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Progressive Speed/Thrash Metal amalgamations.

Opening up with this nuclear explosion; a blistering barrage frenzy in distorted calamity belts a clobbering foundation on synthetic remedy within "Terrortorphobia (Fear of Giving Birth to a Monster)", a bludgeoning slab on solid riffage rampantly romps out this razor-sharp ramification on catchy execution and boisterously bouncy bludgeons of sonically seamless madness that rivets with wildly rushing tonality amongst an amplified adrenaline in dexterously dynamic heft that thuds out some scouring snarls of sturdy tightness of punchline weight. Speedy malignance manifolds with organic substance on tremoring velocity; as "Acid Storm" smacks out some piercing maelstrom stability from high-pitched vocalist George Mitrov, who also fabricates a high-octane synergy on primitively raw firepower expertise... distilling a fierce conundrum in furious hooks and rapidly swift nimbleness that's most rollicking.

Forging a frolicking chug in galloping but monolithic tempo & volatile pursuit; George's vocals soar with uproarious throatiness on raspy screams that yell with shouty persistence, while his guitar prowess utilises versatile vehemence on relentlessly steamrolling thunder that's most salubrious for a headbanging good time. "Divine Oracle" slows things down a little bit; until this concretely gritty authority surges venomously with rambunctiously piledriving stompiness & thumpy bass audibility from Dave Frew's flickering artillery on momentous impulses in impactful incitement, amongst Bruno "Anticros" Canziani's stampy slams that stomp with zestfully trailblazing perseverance with profusely robust technicality. "Producers Edge" continues flooring it with sulphurous yet thrashy progression, stampeding with rampaging but flexibly fundamental attributes in an all guns blazing, crescendo building tremolo raising virulence that's ruthlessly infectious.

"Sinister At Sunrise" injects a firing all cylinder aesthetic after euphonic grinds chops a crunchy density in rumbling reverb that showcases pandemonic transgression that's rather meaty; a grindy assimilation revs with motoring grooves and strumming snappiness, merging this thrilling revel on quirky finesse and distinctively distinguished instrumental intrigue which will make one want to break chairs over other chairs in no time - similarly profound within the visceral "Autopsy" that rifts with nothing but a hybrid experimentation in immersive inventive tactics of killer laceration articulate in which wraths with disarrayed chaos that's most driving. "Satrap" bombards eardrums with more prodigiously prestigious shrieks on all fronts; as bellowing barks herald with diabolical but maniacal squall, while the thunderous intensities creates an immersive emancipation in exhilarating bolts of jolting song writing musicianship which jumps with ripping shreds & ponderous heaviness for good measure.

"Transgression to Sin Under the Invisible Empire" fabricates a more vicious variety on diverse harmonies of melodic savagery; bulldozing heads with quintessential virtuosity & vigorous rigour that's just jam packed with pulse-pounding throttle on the fullest intention, as the old school grandeur elements at a full force extremity in implementing skyrocketing voltage which will start energising berserking heads with triggering efficaciousness. Onto the demo, bonus tracks section now; "Bride Of The Black" interjects an evolving headedness on kick-ass desegregation... fuelling a blended fusion on strident strife & tenor unleashing blitzkrieg. Concluding the record with the brutally bestial version of "Acid Storm"; "Benevolent Approach" incomes with morphing trepidation of the highest degree, sweltering speakers with penetrating potential on skilful toneage and brisk demonstrations in diligently detailed towering of exuberant buoyancy and rugged rigidness that's barbarically engaging whilst ramming with battering hammerings that's most moving.

"Dawn Of The Rampage" flamboyantly banishes you with more rich wallops & riot tearing steam; locked, loaded and full of mighty scatterings on systematic sweeps that maliciously rummages through with craftsmanship adaptability. Finishing off the record with 2 more raw demos from "Sinister At Sunrise" & "Producers Edge", giving them this monstrous tonality for a nice termination of this reissue that's worthy of spinning whilst replaying a good bunch of times should you fancy discovering an enjoyably entertaining experience of this modernised rehash should you have indelibly missed out on. Bottom line; do check it out, RAMPAGE's time may not be around now, though that should not divert from your recognition of this band if Proggy Thrash Metal needs your ultimate fix as of now.

8 / 10









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"Veil Of Mourn (Reissue)" Track-listing:

1. Terrortorphobia (Fear of Giving Birth to a Monster)
2. Acid Storm
3. Divine Oracle
4. Producers Edge
5. Sinister at Sunrise
6. Autopsy
7. Satrap
8. Transgression to Sin Under the Invisible Empire
9. Bride of the Black
10. Acid Storm
11. Benevolent Approach
12. Dawn of the Rampage
13. Sinister at Sunrise
14. Producers Edge

Rampage Lineup:

Bruno "Anticros" Canziani - Drums
Dave Frew - Bass
George Mitrov - Vocals/Guitars

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