Pereptual Intercourse
Putrid Vomit Christ

PUTRID VOMIT CHRIST is a death/doom band from Vietnam, who formed in 2024. “Pereptual Intercourse,” is their second demo; they released another demo earlier in the year as well. I don’t think I’ve ever heard any metal from Vietnam before, at least not that I am aware of so it’s already pretty cool to me for that reason alone–always good to see metal spreading across the world. The band itself may be new but the duo that comprises it have cut their teeth in bands like ELCROST and ROT, two other bands I haven’t had the pleasure of discovering yet. Considering both the band’s name and album title, I expected filthy as hell death/doom…that is what I received and then some! For a demo, this is a surprisingly strong effort. The production is raw with a real DIY feel to it. Much could be said for the music itself, which is as putrid as anything I’ve heard this year. With just five songs across a runtime of just over 31 minutes, it’s a somewhat short experience that eviscerates everything in its path and leaves without so much as a thank you.
It’s an album that embraces its death metal identity as much as its doom one. As much as it is slow to mid-paced, the album has more than enough moments of speed. The songs are composed well so the varying tempos don’t seem too shifty and disjointed. Since it’s only five songs, I will say a little something about each one. The opening song is “Vacuous Ecstasy,” and it sounds as nasty as it does evil. The riffs are surprisingly catchy, as are the screaming, deathly vocals. After providing a slow, crushing groove, the final half of the song is pummeling riffs with powerful bass and drums. The title track has a blackened feel to it, especially in the tone of the riffs and the fast paced drumming. The bass provides the low end, sounding like a hidden layer of hell while it keeps the doom metal flowing. The leader guitar harmonies are hellish as well, just fucking nasty. The riffs at the 1:28 mark are horrendous in the best way possible, live digging up a grave for the worst reasons. After the three minute mark, the song becomes one of the darkest moments in doom I’ve heard in the last few months.
“Dissecting An Inestious Dream,” is disgusting and all the more better for it. The riffs, bass…everything here is against the grain of good taste. People sometimes forget just how easily death metal can influence doom, how truly profane it can get–this song won’t let you soon forget. The vocals are insane, levels of depravity reached for the pure, sickening pleasure of it. The guitars and drums hit hard, letting each note hang just a second longer than it needs to for it all to really sink in. The tempo speeds up soon enough with a brutal groove. “The Sun From Where They Excrete,” is possibly my favorite song on the album. Although it could be in the mix better, I like the double bass that peppers the glacial riffs. The band shows off its atmospheric powers after the 4 minute mark by a display of melancholic leads provided by the guitar as the rhythm descends deeper into darkness not known.
The final song is “Death Is An Imposture,” and begins with a steady, headbanging riff that gets the blood flowing before diving full speed ahead into the pit. The drumming is a pile driver that builds the song up and keeps it driving as it goes down into groovier moments. All in all, PUTRID VOMIT CHRIST’s “Perpetual Inercourse,” is a very strong early release from a band that I hope I hear more from.
8 / 10

"Pereptual Intercourse " Track-listing:
- Vacuous Ecstasy
- Putrid Vomit Christ
- Dissecting an Incestuous Dream
- The Sun … from Where They Excrete
- Death Is an Imposture
Putrid Vomit Christ Lineup:
I.C. - Bass, Vocals, Programming
L.N. - Guitars, Programming
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