Ancestral Sounds


This was a good Black Metal album. It combined many of the elements of traditional FWOBM bands but also struck out on its own path. I just could have used a little more creativity.
September 11, 2024

From their EPK, “Our music is for the darkest audience, those who are attracted to the other side, death, ancestors and roots. We talk about the importance of the cult of the dead, about the customs corrupted by the modern world. We like to think of death as a friendly figure, which picks us up in our last breath, and of the entities that await us on the other side. The rituals, drums and offerings of the afterlife. Of plagues, diseases and how dreary the world is and the dull emptiness of humans." The album has eight songs, and “Memento Mori” is first. Soak in the opening piano notes, because they are quite well done, and ominous. An aggressive riff follows, with vocal screams. The production is very much in the treble area of music. “Lost Soul” comes out of the gates with a higher energy, aggression and vocal screams, and the landscape is filled with thick branches and quicksand below like you might find in a bog. “The Gates of Hell” comes at you with all the fury that you might expect from the title, and sound as chaotic and burning as gasoline being poured onto a fire. The title track is longest on the album, and the drum intro does indeed have that quality in the title. The slow grind of the pace reminds you of the worst parts of life…repetition.

 “Altar for the Dead” has many harrowing qualities, both in the vocals and the chord progressions, and I picture a sacrifice that is too blasphemous for the human eye to even gaze upon. “The Shadow of Death” has that foreboding quality to it that you might expect from the song given the title. The shadow moves slowly, and cautiously, killing silently. “La Plegaria Del Féretro” closes the album, and the album’s grip on your psyche loosens just a little. At this point you have to either totally commit to shaking it, or you will be forever in its grasp for eternity. This was a good Black Metal album. It combined many of the elements of traditional FWOBM bands but also struck out on its own path. I just could have used a little more creativity.

7 / 10









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"Ancestral Sounds" Track-listing:

1. Memento Mori

2. Lost Soul

3. The Gates of Hell

4. Ancestral Sound

5. Altar for the Dead

6. The Shadow of Death

7. Spirits Walk the Earth

8. La Plegaria Del Féretro


Pestkraft Lineup:

Azazel – Bass

Ed Hellsaw – Guitars

Nefarial – Guitars

Blodig – Vocals


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