Remains to be Seen
Perfect NME
August 25, 2020

PERFECT NME is a Norwegian Traditional Metal band formed in 2014. With influences outside of the traditional realm, there is a blending of elements that tend to defy pigeon-holing this band into any single category of Metal, though. "Remains To Be Seen" is the debut full-length record from the band, released on Wormhole Death Records on July 10, 2020. Having already made a name for themselves in their native land, this album features an appearance by Bjorn Strid (SOILWORK, THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA) a legendary singer from nearby Sweden.
"Shadow Of Doubt" leads off the album with a short spoken intro, kicking immediately into a powerful rhythm that slams your head against the wall. With the dual guitar onslaught over the pounding bass and drums, this song is sure to please fans of multiple genres of metal. It has guitar solos, vocals halfway between clean and growl and complex drum beats that drive the song to a killer conclusion. Next is "Skeletal Embrace", a song with a whispered intro and another awesome riff that pelts the senses. Plenty of flourishes allow for interesting interludes.
"242" is a song with mostly sound effects and a few eerily spoken words towards the end. This leads directly into "Murder Of Crows", which of course evokes more dark feelings with lyrics that again allude to horror-filled themes. This song shows a different, more melodic side of the band at times. With a few minor tempo shifts, this is nice, complex song with a combination of musical elements that take some skill for the transitions. Those transitions are played well and show a musicianship that is impressive on a debut album (or even for seasoned experts).
"Legion" is the song featuring Bjorn Strid, and it is a straight forward thrash fest right from the start. Starting with a single guitar before the band kicks in, then running through another solo piece, the tune keeps shifting back and forth until the vocals kick in. At over six minutes, it has time to pull all of this off. With Bjorn having a distinctly different tone to his vocals, the contrast is excellent. This is a really good song with a good balance between the vocalists, not just a guest appearance where you barely hear the featured singer.
The record continues to impress with songs like "Atavistic Relapse" and "This Is War". The former has one of the better chugging riffs I have this year. With the little flourishes between the repetitions of the pattern keep it interesting while offering some intrigue. The latter begins with a short drum intro (one measure) before going off like a bomb exploding, then shifting again. Another song that takes a talent not often seen in newer bands.
It took six years to put out their first full-length album. PERFECT NME did not waste that time playing cover tunes in dive bars and hoping to get noticed. They put in some serious work and honed their skills. The tempo shifts, variable rhythms and complex compositions show these guys want to be serious musicians. Blast beats from the drummer, complimentary solos from the guitarists, a bassist that can stay underneath or keep up with the twin guitars... all marks of excellent players. Then there is the vocal power and prowess shown on every song. This is a really good band. I look forward to hearing more from them in the years to come.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Remains to be Seen" Track-listing:
1. Shadow Of Doubt
2. Skeletal Enbrace
3. 242
4. Murder Of Crows
5. Chimera
6. Legion (feat. Bjorn Strid)
7. Atavistic Relapse
8. This Is War
9. The Man Before
10. Serpentine (Bonus Track)
Perfect NME Lineup:
Colin Emery - Vocals
Eirik Jonnum Grinmes - Guitar
Terje Graven - Guitar
Ronny Syvertsen - Bass
Geir-inge Ravn - Drums
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