Absolute Destruction

Open Surgery

What it does do is make “Absolute Destruction” into a very nice Old School Death Metal album. What I will say is that if this is one of your first encounters with that music gnre, you could do a lot worse than “Absolute Destruction”.
September 9, 2024

Swedish Death Metal has made it very big in the past, and still does so until this day. That will not change when listening to OPEN SURGERY, as they use a very solid base to work with. In July 2024 they released theird third installment of their musical inheritence and they named it “Absolute Destruction”. It comes after a hiatus of six years sinced their latest release. That was an EP with the title “After Birth Abortion”. The two albums before that were “Experiments Of Extensive Torture” (2014) and “Post Mortem Mutilation” (2016). as the titles suggest, OPEN SURGERY could have easily provided the soundtracks to several SAW films.

The OPEN SURGERY music in itself is mid paced to a bit faster Old School Death Metal, with an emphasis on the lyrics and the riffs. They have to be solid as granite, held up by a foundation that is even harder than that, provided by very simple but effective drums and a very powerful filling bass sound. You can hear that this is the result of twelve years of perfecting their Death Metal abilities. “Absolute Destruction” sounds like a rhinoceros and a hippopotamus are dancing together through a cabinet filled with porcelain cups and saucers, while in fact they are attempting to destroy their local mortuary by bumping into very drawer and corpse they can come across. And you can hear that the two animals are thoroughly enjoying themselves in the process. And that is how it supposed to be. Whatever music you make, be sure to derive pleasure from it, and let the audience hear that you do as well.

What does also help is that the music in itself is all of a very respectable level of quality. It makes listening to it a few times before reviewing into anything but a chore. Does all that I have typed until now make “Absolute Destruction” into a superb Death Metal album? Unfortunately not, as they are treading on a path that has been trodden on just too many times over the years. What it does do is make it into a very nice Old School Death Metal album. What I will say is that if this is one of your first encounters with this music genre, you could do a lot worse than “Absolute Destruction”. If you like what OPEN SURGERY does, you will undoubtedly go back in time and you will come unto the classics that made Old Scool Death Metal into a very popular genre.

7 / 10









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"Absolute Destruction" Track-listing:

1 Ring Of Absolute Destruction
2 Divine Asphyxiation
3 Ceremonial Collector Of Skulls
4 Psychotic Flame Thrower Maniac
5 Serial Sodomy
6 Sub Zero Suffocation
7 Corpus Os Impurum
8 Unrelenting Massacre
9 Amphibious Assault

Open Surgery Lineup:

DD Ripper – vocals, guitar
Terry Surgeon – lead guitar
Gravemachine – bass
Apollo Andersson – drums

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