

Blasting out of Malaysia with the stench of death upon them comes a group that showcases their form of death metal
September 9, 2024

Blasting out of Malaysia from deep within the capital city of Kuala Lumpur comes a group of pure aggressive death. Beyond the tourism of this beautiful city within the shadows of KL comes a force known as OBSCURIAL. This band began in the year of 2019 and has since made a splash within the south asian death metal scene with a demo first released independently back in the fall of 2020. A year later in December of 2021 they independently released their debut full-length album “Funeral, Burial and Rites” which later got them the attention from their current label Memento Mori where they released their second full-length album. “Heretic”, which was released on April 22, 2024 is the band's latest album and with nine solid tracks of pure death, it will hit hard for 40:58 minutes. For a band that I am unfamiliar with, I look forward to diving into this album.

 Shades of black and gray with highlights of orange make up the image color of the album art as it depicts a dark theme. A theme fitting for the album. What looks like a group of angry people gather around a female with her mind bursting open, insects escaping into the sky as if recently set free. Orange plant-like or possible fire consumes the area around the women and all within. Looking closer at the surrounding people, it seems they are attacking this woman. And the more you look at the image the more detail is revealed. Simple yet not and fitting art for the name of the album. The band's logo and name of the album sit bottom right. 

 “Hexed” opens up the album in an interesting way. Sounds of a knife being sharpened can be heard over an eerie ambience before a disturbing monolog kicks in. Perhaps a click track from a movie scene, I am unsure. But it works and sets up the next track “Blasphemous Cult”, which wastes no time with a heavy bass riff and low tuned guitar. Blast beats set the tone as a squeal of a guitar kicks off the bestial vocals. The drumming definitely helps to set the tone with that heavy bass. The thick guitar chord progression is a steady incline of intensity that leads into some solid slam riffs. A nice squealing and reverberating solo makes its way into the track as well.

 Moving into the album we have “Locust Plague” with a solid slam death heavy focus that builds with intensity as the visceral vocals puke over the heavy and thick chords. More squealing riffs echo out from behind the thick chugging that breaks into a technical solo as well. “Serpentspawn” is another track that wastes no time as it leads in with a solid chord progression that reeks of death. Really good dynamic play with both guitars as the bass and heavy blast beats attack you with ravenous aggression. Another solo kicks in and shreds before leading into more solid slam death riffs. But how the guitars play with each other over that thick bass is amazing. The slam death chord progression also helps to build further intensity. 

 So far the album is written well and further showcases the disgusting nature of what a good death metal album can be when executed properly. I will say that some levels are off, the highs are cranked a bit much making it sound more treble focused. So some better balancing in production would definitely go a long way. That being said, however, this album is well written and as I said, showcases what a good death metal album sounds like when done right. The tuning on the guitars and bass are solid as well and further drive that thickness home.

 A classical melodic chord progression plays out smoothly as “Endless Trauma” begins that breaks off from the overall aggressive tone throughout the album. A decent start to the final track to end an album. Entirely instrumental with a classical guitar that plays out over a nice clean distorted secondary guitar. Melodic and draped in melancholy, a solid track

For a newer band, OBSCURIAL hits the nail on the head and is right on the money I find for a good old well written death metal album. “Heretic” is disgusting in all the right ways and its putrid tone of death builds with a beastly aggression that blasts by fast. Yes there are production issues, but nothing that I would say ruins the album. So if you love death metal then you need to add this to your collection.

8 / 10









"Heretic" Track-listing:


2.Blasphemous Cult  

3.Circle of Heretics  

4.Maggot Incubation  

5.Locust Plague  


7.Carrion Disease  

8.A Cure for Sickness  

9.Endless Trauma


Obscurial Lineup:

Dee- vocals

Naim- guitars

Afiq- guitars, backing vocals

Arap- bass

Adam- drums

Arief- new session drummer

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