Hell's Unholy Fire
June 4, 2012

With the turn of the century comes NUNSLAUGHTER's very first full length album 13 years after their formation. After years of demos, EP's, and splits they finally release "Hell's Unholy Fire". If there was ever a truer definition of blackened Death Metal, I have yet to hear it. Straight from the very first track, "I Am Death", you know exactly what you're getting yourself into! A full on satanic assault from the very first note. Pure unfiltered aggression vomited out by vocalist Don of the Dead reminiscent of Joel Grind from TOXIC HOLOCAUST. Furious blast beats from Jim Sadist and serious Black Metal style riffing from Blood round out their sound. Only a few downsides to this otherwise great album. Like much of the more underground Black and Death Metal bands, the bass is nearly non-existent. Also, the songs lack presence of solos, but that's just a personal preference really. This album borders straight Thrash Metal with tracks like "Killed By The Cross", "Death By The Dead", and "Impale The Soul" while there are some pure Death Metal songs such as "Buried Alive" and "Inverted Churches". Obviously the Black Metal sound is prevalent with the likes of "Cataclysm" and the title track, "Hell's Unholy Fire".
Basically, there is nothing complicated about this album or NUNSLAUGHTER for that matter. They are straight-up, in your face, unadulterated, blasphemous Metal! Not exactly an endurance test as all of the songs are less than three minutes in length. That's not to say they aren't good due to lack of duration, this just may not be for fans of 11 minute long epics. As mentioned before, this is definitely a must for any fans of TOXIC HOLOCAUST or even NAPALM DEATH as there is a strong grind presence here.
7 / 10
"Hell's Unholy Fire" Track-listing:
1. I Am Death
2. Death By The Dead
3. Cataclysm
4. The Dead Plauge
5. Hell's Unholy Fire
6. Killed By The Cross
7. Burning Away
8. NunSlaughter
9. Burn In Hell
10. Blasphemy
11. Seas of Blood
12. Inverted Churches
13. Blood For Blood
14. Impale The Soul
15. Altar of the Dead
16. Buried Alive
17. Perversion of Gore
18. Satanic
Nunslaughter Lineup:
Don of the Dead- Vocals
Blood - Guitars
Brian Sekula- Bass
Jim Sadist- Drums
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