Shades of Night

Deep within the beautiful city of Yogyakarta within the south-central island of Java Indonesia formed a group of like-minded individuals who all had a taste for something heavy. A thick sound that can only be satisfied by the heavy and brutal sound of death metal. Underneath all of the bright traditional art and rich cultural heritage, was a far more aggressive and darker culture. Within the shadows of everyday life lay hidden an entirely different world where many found refuge, forged bonds and some even carving a name for themselves. This world was the underground metal scene that would soon give that group of like-minded individuals the chance to form “NOCTURNAL KUDETA” within the year of 2010. This band would then change their name years later within 2019 to simply “NOKTURNAL” . Spearheading this new project, “Aldi” or “Wolfsbane”, and quite possibly members from various other metal bands from the area with their identities all shrouded in a mist, have one previous single and now release their debut full-length album “Shades of Night”. Released under the label Pulverised Records on May 3rd, 2024 with only six tracks, this album is a solid 40:03 minutes of blackened death. So let's get into it.
Upon first glance we see a cloaked death adorning his signature scythe holding a hand out, as if beckoning you closer, within a sea of golden bats. A heart is pierced by four slim daggers that lay before the reaper's chest. The band's logo along with the album title lay at the central base of the album art. Slightly transparent and with the album name in a simple, yet classy, font which is underlined by an eloquent decorative bar. I am impressed by the design they chose and has most definitely piqued my interest, leaving me in anticipation of the album's sound. Echoing out a somber and melodic chord progression that creates a melody of emptiness, “Bewail The Fallen Light” begins. The wet chords ring out over what seems like an abyss before switching into some slowly played raw distorted guitars that give a hopeless feeling. As an adamant DSBM enthusiast, These guys hit it right on the head with this track and reminds me of "FORGOTTEN TOMB” but with their own flair. The added synth from guest “Garna Raditya” of the band “AK/47” added a really strong element to the track as well. A great introduction to the album thus far. Following right after comes “Dagger of Will” that pays homage to the old school death metal of the mid to late 80’s and the first wave of black metal. The raw aggressive tone of this track hits you hard, fast and leaves you with a sense of nostalgia. “Jungs” from the band “HEADKRUSHER” even comes in for a solid guitar solo and shreds.
With the harsh vocals and fast ragged guitars that blair over the relentless blast beats and heavy bass undertones, you are left with disgusting overture that can only be influenced by such groups as “STENCH”, “ENTOMBED”, “BATHORY”and quite possibly the dark melodic aspects of “TRIBULATION”. Regardless of their influences, this band was able to execute their tone that further romanticized the cold embrace of death and emptiness while keeping the raw aggression that tears through your senses. With the production being mixed and mastered the way it was, it perfectly encases that old sound but in a decent quality. Another thing I noticed is that each track begins with a uniqueness which was very enjoyable. “Cold Embrace” hits hard with a thick bass as the guitar scratches over some solid drum rolls before a final strike of a guitar chord rings out over the growling raspy vocals. The riffs and overall progression of this track is timed well and has dynamic elements. At some point the track has some ear candy as the ragged vocals echo out over a solid breakdown with the stereo mixing before leading into more solid solo guitars over thick bass chords. Such an amazing way to close this album off.
“NOKTURNAL” is a solid group that came from the shadows of a vibrant culturally driven metropolis, and with their influences, forged their sound and have begun to carve a name for themselves. With elements of the old Black and death metal they help pioneer the resurgence of that sound in metal. I will be keeping my eye on this mysterious group to see what they will release next. I recommend that you get a copy of “Shades of Night” and add this album to your collection.
8 / 10

"Shades of Night" Track-listing:
- Bewail The Fallen Light
- Dagger Of Will
- Chainless Soul
- By the Nightside
- Blood And Valour
- Cold Embrace
Nokturnal Lineup:
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