
Night Thieves

NIGHT THIEVES have stuck the landing with “Polarity.” I love the groove, I love the rhythm, I love the vocals.
February 5, 2024

NIGHT THIEVES is an Alt-Metal band out of London, England. They emerged during the year of our plague, 2020, and have released a steady string of EPs since then. On January 19, 2024 they issued EP #3: “Polarity.” They are yet unsigned, but I’m betting that will be short-lived. In the meantime, they are firming up their lineup as well as their sound.

Fronted by Jess Moyle—haunting soprano—NIGHT THIEVES fuses down-tuned, groove-laden riffs with an Industrial undertow. But instead of a melancholic or gritty vibe, there is a light optimism bouncing off of Rick Hunter-Burns's infectious bass and Tom Connolly's mid-tempo drum assault. (It should be noted that while Tom Connolly covered as session drummer on the EP, Ryan Delglyn will be the permanent drummer going forward).

The first track, “Collide,” has a synth heavy intro which for me was off putting. For the first 30 seconds, the synths sound faux electronica and the drums sound like a pre-programmed electronic drum kit. The good news is that the vibe drops at about the 30 second mark when the rest of the band comes in and the track properly kicks off. The rest of the track rocks fairly hard. Strong enough to be used as the first single.

Track two, “The Way the Story Goes,” showcases a much more authentic NIGHT THIEVES. Rick lays in a captivating bassline that Tom just seems to have a blast with, jumping through and around the plot line—the rhythm section on this track is just perfect. Jess offers up a nice melodic chorus too. Something you’ll be humming for the rest of the night.  

Through the Looking Glass” starts off heavy and mean, but just when you snap in your seatbelt on for what you think is going to be a brutal beatdown, the bottom drops out and you enter a slipstream of silver harmony. You shouldn’t take off the safety harness, though, because you know the shits just going to get rough again—which it does, oscillating between smooth and heavy through the end. My favorite track on the EP, this one.

Like the first track, the final track, “Walkaway,” launches with a heavy Industrial synth intro, which by now you know I’m not a fan of. But it’s only ten seconds, so no great sin. The remaining three minutes and three seconds of the track are pretty damned good. Paul Andrew goes heavy as well as melodic and Jess, on this track as well as all the others, has a curious and enchanting tonality which I think will go a long way for the band.

Based on the strength of this EP, I went back and gave a listen to their previous albums to track their trajectory over the last three years. Their first EP, “Battle Cry,” is a bit unbalanced and the production values aren’t great. You can hear them trying to find their footing, but that’s what you expect with a debut album. Their second EP, “Spiral,” features a much more confident and refined NIGHT THIEVES. Still a bit hungry wolf, but you can hear them evolving. With “Polarity” it feels like they have grown into their own skin, shifting from raw and heavy to more melodic and heavy, staying anchored with Jess’s vocals and the steady rhythm section, which affords Paul ample soundscape to explore.   

All in all, NIGHT THIEVES have stuck the landing with “Polarity.” I love the groove, I love the rhythm, I love the vocals. It will be interesting to see if they stay the course or pivot in a new direction with future releases—e.g. do they get heavier, more experimental, mellower? For now, “Polarity” strikes a great balance. 


7 / 10









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"Polarity" Track-listing:

1. Collide

2. The Way The Story Goes

3. Through The Looking Glass

4. Walkaway


Night Thieves Lineup:

Jess Moyle – Vocals

Paul Andrew – Guitar, synths

Rick Hunter-Burns – Bass

Tom Connolly – Drums (session)  



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