You And Your Friends Are Dead: Game Over

Necronomicon Ex Mortis

NECRONOMICON EX MORTIS"You And Your Friends Are Dead: Game Over" is a horror-fueled metal EP that skillfully blends aggressive riffs, vivid storytelling, and grim atmospheres. From the apocalyptic foresight of "The Dead Zone" to the chaotic resurrection in "Jason Lives", each track dives deep into iconic horror themes with intensity and creativity. The band balances brutal instrumentation with dark humor, particularly in "Leprechaun's" grotesque fun, while "My Bloody Valentine" and "In The Mouth Of Madness" plunge into psychological and cosmic terror. Paired with cover art depicting a carnivorous plant feeding on industrial pollution, the EP reflects humanity’s self-inflicted doom, thriving on the decay of destruction. It's a solid, enjoyable release for fans of horror and heavy metal alike.
October 8, 2024

NECRONOMICON EX MORTIS returns with a darkly entertaining 2024 EP, "You And Your Friends Are Dead: Game Over," bringing together a fusion of horror-infused thrash metal and a flair for cinematic, graphic storytelling. The five tracks, each inspired by different horror themes, are accompanied by sharp musicianship and an immersive atmosphere, while the EP cover art—featuring a grotesque cartoon of a carnivorous plant feeding on radiation and pollution from industry—adds a unique and thought-provoking touch. The imagery evokes the chilling post-disaster growth of fungi feeding off Chernobyl’s radioactivity, drawing parallels to the sinister forces thriving in the dark recesses of human destruction.

Opening the EP with "My Bloody Valentine," the track digs deep into the mine-shafts of horror, narrating the brutal madness and cannibalism born of isolation and survival. The song’s lyrical violence, from "Cut out beating hearts" to "Lurking in the darkness, waiting," captures the psychological breakdown of the characters trapped underground. Musically, it’s a claustrophobic assault, with sludgy guitars and pounding rhythms that feel as oppressive as the mine itself. The gruesome imagery is matched by equally brutal instrumental work, making this track a grimly effective highlight.

"Leprechaun" shifts the tone with an injection of grotesque humor. This furious burst of energy delivers a manic portrayal of the infamous Irish creature, with "sharp claws and jagged teeth" and an insatiable thirst for gold and blood. The song doesn’t shy away from its brutal playfulness, as lyrics like "Chopped up and baked off in my shepherd’s pie" add a twisted comedic edge. The fast-paced riffs and relentless drumming keep the song moving at breakneck speed, echoing the uncatchable nature of the creature. It's a fun, intense ride, with just enough chaos to leave you both horrified and amused.

In The Mouth Of Madness, is a chaotic descent into Lovecraftian terror. The lyrics evoke the arcane horrors from beyond, with "doorways opened" and "monstrous creatures" stalking the night. Musically, the band unleashes its full creative force here, with dissonant riffs and solwed tempo that mimics the unraveling of reality. The intensity escalates as "the world is now rebirthed" in horror, bringing the EP to a climactic moment.

With "The Dead Zone," the EP kicks off with intensity and tension. The song explores the protagonist's torment of clairvoyance, unveiling a world doomed to destruction, as "atrocities yet to come" haunt him. Musically, the track reflects this sense of unraveling chaos, with its sharp, punchy riffing and frantic pace. The lyrics, "I must save the world from fire," bring a fleeting sense of urgency, but the foreboding chorus, paired with the blistering instrumental sections, creates an atmosphere of inevitable collapse. The band showcases a knack for building tension, making this a standout opening track that holds your attention from start to finish.

The EP takes a darker turn with "Jason Lives," a tribute to one of the most iconic horror villains. With its menacing atmosphere and mid-tempo groove, the song paints a vivid picture of the graveyard scene where Jason Voorhees is resurrected by an unfortunate lightning strike. Lines like "Impaled! Stabbed through the chest, struck by lightning—Jason resurrects" are perfectly timed with surging riffs, bringing the terror to life through the music itself. The song’s creeping build-up and ferocious breakdowns mirror the unstoppable march of the undead killer, making it one of the heaviest and most dynamic tracks on the EP.

As for the cover artwork, the carnivorous plant feeding on radiation and industrial pollution is a fitting metaphor for the themes of decay and destruction found throughout the EP. The visual allusion to the Chernobyl disaster and the post-apocalyptic growth fed by human catastrophe adds another layer of depth, aligning perfectly with the EP’s musical narrative of horror flourishing in the shadows of human failure.

Overall, "You And Your Friends Are Dead: Game Over" delivers a thrilling, horror-drenched experience. While it doesn’t push the boundaries of metal to new extremes, it’s a solid, well-executed EP that horror and metal fans alike can appreciate. NECRONOMICON EX MORTIS continues to blend their passion for horror with their aggressive sound, and while it may not be revolutionary, it’s a wickedly fun ride through some of the darkest corners of the genre.

8 / 10









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"You And Your Friends Are Dead: Game Over" Track-listing:

1. My Bloody Valentine
2. Leprechaun
3. In the Mouth of Madness
4. The Dead Zone
5. Jason Lives

Necronomicon Ex Mortis Lineup:

Yusuf A. Rashid Bass
Joey Ferretti Drums
Manuel Barbará Guitars
Michael Bala Guitars
Craig Schmul Vocals

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