Warriors Of The Black Sun


To tell you the truth, when I saw a CD with a weird as fuck […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
January 21, 2009
Mictlantecuhtli - Warriors Of The Black Sun album cover

To tell you the truth, when I saw a CD with a weird as fuck band name and members full of corpsepaint that reminded me of the painting warriors used to do before they go to war I thought that it would be something much different from what it actually is. MICTLANTECUHTLI is definitely a surprise for everyone who listens to their music!

The band originates from Los Angeles, California, USA. This year, MICTLANTECUHTLI celebrate their 10th anniversary, and is there a better way to celebrate such an event than releasing a brand new album? Warriors Of The Black Sun is the band's sophomore full-length work and their first one released through a label, at least that's what the note the band sent us mentions. I couldn't find this label mentioned anywhere else, not even in their Myspace page!

Taking a look at this album I thought that the US metallers would be a brutal Black/Thrash or Black/Death band with tons of blasts, growling vocals and an exotic atmosphere. Their lyrical themes revolve around the Aztec mythology and history and that's the main reason I expected something a bit... different. MICTLANTECUHTLI managed to create an incredibly interesting concept on the one hand featuring great lyrics and themes, but on the other hand they kind of destroy what they build themselves with their music. No, their music is not that bad, but why play classic melodic Black/Death Metal with some NWOBHM elements. Does this remind you of something? Yeah, old IN FLAMES and DARK TRANQUILITY are kind of close to what these guys are all about. Why did this whole thing seems kind of not so amazing to me...?

Maybe it is because this kind of music has somehow become a trend and I don't see much interest in melodic brutality nowadays. Their music is above the pit of mediocrity but one thing that probably makes them lose their dynamic is the weak production. If they had a higher sound quality and some extra heaviness I guess they would sound better.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Warriors Of The Black Sun" Track-listing:

Night Of Sorrow
Dreams Of Triumph
Ancient War Call
Shadow Of The Morning Star
Roads To Victory
The Warriors' Desire
Kingdom's Fire
Blood Spills In Darkness
Crowned Under A Black Sun

Mictlantecuhtli Lineup:

Temoc - Vocals
Cuitlahuac - Guitar
Mixcoatl - Guitar
Tlaloc - Bass
Itzcoatl - Drums

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