Thin The Herd
Mark My Way
May 19, 2020

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: MARK MY WAY; signed via Kick Out The Jams - Tapes, Genet Records - Vinyl & Dust & Bones Records - CD. Hailing from Belgian grounds (originating from the H8000 area, Ypres), performing Melodic Hardcore/Rap Metal, on their sophomore album entitled: "Thin The Herd" (released 10th of April, 2020).
Since formation in 2012; the quintet in question have 3 EPs, 1 Single & 2 Full-Length Albums in their discography so far. I am introduced to their sophomoric album entitled: "Thin The Herd", 10 tracks ranging at around 32:45...MARK MY WAY arrange an intricately designed formula of Melodic Hardcore/Rap Metal developments. "Spread Too Thin" begins the record; demonstrating a healthy dose of riveting guitar acoustics until a blistering barraged frenzy of amplified adrenaline, and boisterously bouncy fretworks implement a gnarly fabrication of distorted jumpiness. Jointing a crisscross flair of melodic harmonies, flamboyantly driven hymns that chug & gallop into a bulldozing harness of frolicking firepower while surging punchy meatiness with monstrously synergetic manifestations.
Consisting of Lennart Breine on vocals; the frontman excels at a deep, guttural grandeur of throaty pipes & raspy lungs in which snarl with hardened finesse...distributing blood-curdling cords that showcase savagely venomous shouts while transistioning this hybrid dimension of rap elements immersed into a borderline foundation of uniquely versatile vehemence. "Justification" pursuits this stampeding subjugation of trailblazing mayhem; meticulously rebelling against everything in their path, revelling with profusely robust tightness & rhythmic chaos from guitar crunchers Niek Van de Capelle & Lennert De Clercq. Their twining attacks accelerate at a momentous pace, rocketing with rawly rough yet primitive strums & rapidly swift nimbleness, while thunderously rifting organic substance that portrays vibrantly quirky potency with snappy pandemonium.
"Higher Walls" starts off with this slow riff after executing groovy haste; rumbling with ruthless whiplash, razor-sharp stability & wildly rushing rampages that will make anyone break chairs over other chairs! Impressively amalgamating an intense expertise of outrè panache, polished fluidity & an ominous overarch of oozing triggering that scatters the ground into a crushing calamity of rambunctiously rampant drum hammering from battering drummer Gillian Coussens. He smashs the set with steely precision; providing an experimental embellishment of progressively technical diligence, crafting a dominately detailed premise of raging velocity & vulgar empowerments (in the most positively, richful way) "Overlooked" fuels souls with sonically seamless lacerations, nailing it into a killer metamorph of persistent perseverence & massive maelstroms that merges quaking profanation with shrieking maliciousness that will unleash the inner agility within you in no time flat.
Audible bassist Rutger Vermeulen injects an infectious bombardment of flourishing blast beats that thump with poundingly sinister slabs that oscilliates between explosive havoc, ripping shreds & roaring remedies that establish an enriching embodiment of complex dexterity. "Vae Victis" (that's Latin for "Woe To The Vanquished) grinds frantically as the systematic synchronization performs with salubriously relentless results, attributing an adroitly consistent ability to pulsate your eardrums into a mandatory tradition of mid-tempo swerves that sulphurously pummels the production with dynamic boosts of quintessential virtuosity and a display of pretty much perfect performances. "Perdition" is a short 2:06 ritual, an instrumental interlude that rewards one with a breather...a moody yet upbeat melody until the piledriving "At The Gates" speedily brings forth a forging furnace of outbursts that rewards you with effective but solid varieties of musical uproar.
"Nothing But Sacrifice" features a guest appearance from Michael Claus on vocals who raps with more prestigiously mellifluous yet subtle zest, euphonically contrasting a distinctively distinguished Metalcore sound that will make you think LIMP BIZKIT? LINKIN PARK? Nah - MARK MY WAY is where it's at. Their DIY ethnic examines an ellaborative method of being groove-laden as much as possible, while juxtaposed with hostile energy and while being as excitingly diverse as can be. Catchy but classy stuccato riffs overcome the penultimate song: "Regicide" (which refers to the onslaughting actions of killing kings), unveiling some unheard of Deathcore moments with some down-tempo vibes. Also including another guest appearence from Bjorn Dossche; who supplies more shouty viciousness that flows into a high-octane pattern, ultilizing irascible but tenacious tendencies.
Overall concluding "Thin The Herd" with the melancholic pianist outro: "Flux" which would perhaps be the last thing you would want have expected to hear on an album such as this; but it brilliantly finalizes the record with its moto, and I quote from what the band who described the record as: "Thin The Herd is about the importance of daring to choose for yourself. It's about taking risks in the journey towards being the best version of yourself. This could means saying goodbye to a certain person, or a destructive habit. You must thin your own herd, to create the best circumstances for yourself to grow. And when you are at you best, the more valuable you can be to others in their journey. This topic almost reflects in every song"." Very deep stuff indeed...but ultimately true if you yearn for that fulfilling enlightenment in life itself.
Bottom line; I discovered a band who certainly outdone themselves with this one, despite the mournfully dark message yet beautifully atmospheric but constructively ambient is a band that is unafraid to exceed boundaries nor scared to travel to an adventurous landscape of musicial qualities that will make you feel impressed but brutally engaged in on too. MARK MY WAY may seem like a band name that seems like a pushover, only when you open your mind to will then understand on what their message entails. Check out "Thin The Herd" it is indefinitely and indeed a brusing listen!
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"Thin The Herd" Track-listing:
1. Spread Too Thin
2. Justification
3. Higher Walls
4. Overlooked
5. Vae Victis
6. Perdition (Instrumental)
7. At The Gates
8. Nothing But Sacrifice (ft. Michael Claus of First Alliance, Fatal Recoil and Simon Denys of First Alliance, Whatever it Takes, The Boss, All Areas)
9. Regicide (ft. Bjorn Dossche of Rise and Fall, Chain Reaction)
10. Flux
Mark My Way Lineup:
Lennart Breine - Vocals
Niek Van de Capelle - Guitar
Lennert De Clercq - Guitar
Rutger Vermeulen - Bass
Gillian Coussens - Drums
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