Dark of the Night


A good first release of this North American Power Metal act.
June 21, 2024

Conceptual albums are an old feature in Rock ‘n’ Roll, since the days THE BEATLES released “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”, and that became more popular with THE WHO with “Tommy” and PINK FLOYD with “The Wall”. On Metal, bands used such form to tell tales (as KING DIAMOND usually does), or then uses a central concept to work on the songs with lyrics that orbit the main theme, but that work separately (as IRON MAIDEN used on “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son” and METALLICA on “Ride the Lightning”, “Master of Puppets” and “… and Justice for All”). And the North American trio LOKHEIRA is here with their conceptual effort on “Dark of the Night”.

The production worked with the objective to build a clear and defined sonority that could be heavier that the usual for a band like this. And as the album was originally released on an independent way, they had to deal with the lack of funds to make things as their music deserves. It’s not bad (in reality, is a good work, indeed), but could be better done in many aspects. The band works on a trench between traditional Heavy Metal, US Metal (again: precious and hooking melodies aligned with a good technical level) and Power Metal (in North American sense), but with an ample set of influences that are mixed in their cauldron (traces of Epic Metal and Folk Metal can be heard on many moments). It’s heavy, intense and really catching, but with a huge potential to be greater in the future, but for now, what is offered is very good, indeed.

The main theme is centered on the seven deadly sins, with many excellent moments, as heard on “In the Dark of the Night” (very good contrasts between male and female voices under a fine instrumental sheath), “Undying Hubris (Pride)” (fine heavy instrumental sheath, with charming guitars), “Battle of the Hot Gates (Gluttony)” (many good rhythmic contrasts, with solid work on bass guitar and drums, and charming melodies as well), “False Remedies (Lust)” (wow, what excellent melodic appeal), and “The Beast Within (Wrath)” and “Malignancy (Envy)” are the moments where their potential becomes evident. Adjusting the sonority and sharpening their efforts in a better way on the next time, and no one will stop LOKHEIRA. For now, “Dark of the Night” is a good beginning.

7 / 10









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"Dark of the Night" Track-listing:
  1. In the Dark of the Night
  2. Undying Hubris (Pride)
  3. Avarice (Greed)
  4. Battle of the Hot Gates (Gluttony)
  5. False Remedies (Lust)
  6. Wasting Away (Sloth)
  7. The Beast Within (Wrath)
  8. Malignancy (Envy)
Lokheira Lineup:

Irene Mavroudis Ramaglino - Vocals
Rob Ramaglino - Guitars, Drums, Vocals
George Mavroudis - Bass, Vocals

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