

One can think of a number of collaborative side-project between household name singers: ALLEN / […]
By Martin Knap
April 8, 2018
Lione/Conti - Lione/Conti album cover

One can think of a number of collaborative side-project between household name singers: ALLEN / LANDEKISKE/ SOMERVILLE, even the cavemanish genres have their own collaborative side-project between Paul Speckman and Rogga Johansson. Side projects can be somewhat hit and miss (I can't say I'm a fan of, let's say, TIMMO TOLKKI'S AVALON), but seeing that this newly formed project is bearing the name of Fabio Lione, former lead singer of RHAPSODY OF FIRE and current singer of ANGRA got me intrigued. When I found out that Alessandro Conti is another singer involved with the band RHAPSODY - although this one has the attribute "Luca Turilli's" instead of "of Fire" - my inner fanboy was giddy with delight. Both of these singer are class A vocalists, both able to pull of performances that sound like they come from classically trained singers.

What LIONE / CONTI offer on their eponymous album is a platter of quality power/prog metal in the vain of SYMPHONY X, KAMELOT, ANGRA, or Italy's own LABYRINTH and VISION DIVINE, for both of which Lione sang in the past or is currently a singer now. Handling guitar duties are member of another acclaimed Italian power/prog troop DGM. Their style doesn't stray from what we come to expect from power/prog: epic, soaring melodies, huge choruses; slick, hooky, yet not all linear Songwriting emphasis on vocal and instrumental performances. Where they differ or stand out in comparison to the bands which they draw inspiration from is a certain Italian melodic flair, which they share with their above mentioned compatriots.

The album kicks of with "Ascension", an energetic rocker that has a little bit of a present-day ANGRA vibe to it. The impression is reinforced by the chorus on "Outcome", and I don't think that this impression can be ascribed only to the fact that all the songs have Lione on vocals - he is, after all, credited as a songwriter on a number of songs on "Secret Garden", so it only makes sense that it's rubbing off on the music that he wrote for this project. The fourth song "Somebody Else" is a balad, which a power-metal album can't do without. The song is epic and has a majestic vibe to it that reminds one a little bit of RHAPSODY OF FIRE (minus the neo-classical elements). Ballads on power metal albums seem to me often out of place and sometime are just a filler at the end of the album that get skipped - this is no the case with Mr. Lione and Conti's project. "Misbeliever" really stands out, with an almost ear worm level of catchiness. Other stand-out songs are "Glories" - a very straight-forward, STRATOVARIUS inspired euro-power metal song. "Truth" and "Gravity" are joyous, endearing songs that can be listened on repeat.

I haven't expected a mediocre release from Lione and Conti, but this album has all the qualities of an A+ act. The album is a collection of great songs that vary stylistically yet the album feels cohesive and flows well. The music is bombastic without being cheesy, it is technically excellent, full of great instrumental and vocal performances, without lacking heart. Together with ANGRA'S "Omni" and RIOT V'S newest this is one of the best power metal releases that I've heard so far this year and I have a gut feeling that they will take one of the top spots at the end of the year as well. And I'm certainly looking forward to new releases from this band.

8 / 10









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"Lione/Conti" Track-listing:

1. Ascension
2. Outcome
3. You're Falling
4. Somebody Else
5. Misbeliever
6. Destruction Show
7. Glories
8. Truth
9. Gravity
10. Crosswinds

Lione/Conti Lineup:

Simone Mularoni - Bass, Guitars
Marco Lanciotti - Drums
Filippo Martignano - Keyboards
Alessandro Conti - Vocals (lead)
Fabio Lione - Vocals (lead)

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