

Overdrive is the second album by Leadbreaker. This is a non-stop power metal album of new wave of traditional metal similar to bands like Anvil, Iron Maiden, and Motorhead.
September 21, 2024

LEADBREAKER comes on strong with their sophomore album “Overdrive”. Kickin it full throttle, pedal to the floor, playing new wave traditional heavy metal band, LEADBREAKER, hailing from Sweden, delivers fist pumping, high octane metal, in the style of Anvil, Accept, and Motorhead all blended together. The lyrics are not ground breaking or thought provoking. They are typical for heavy metal, just plain fun loving. The guitars are loud, heavy, and thundering. Daniel Olsson does the vocals, as well as one of the guitars, singing in the upper register. His vocals sound like they belong in an 80’s hair metal band, but also fit in nicely with LEADBREAKER’s sound.

The title track “Overdrive” leads off the album. This is a great track to start the album. Starting off with a great fast riff, before the band kicks in, with a double kick rhythm. It sets the tone for what's to come, an album of hard driving fast songs. “Overdrive” not only describes the song, but the whole album. “Hammer of Vengeance”, the third track on the album, starts off with a lead riff that doubles and is harmonized. Then it continues with thundering rhythms. Thematically it is just as the title suggests, with lyrics “I’m the reaper, I’m the judge, executioner with a grudge.” This could easily have been just another cliché song, but is fueled by some unique lead guitars that give it a fresh sound.

The whole band excels on “The Machine”, a song very much in the style of Iron Maiden, Powerslave era. Without sounding like a copycat, it also sounds very inspired by Maiden in a good way. The solo goes from fast to melodic, then dies down, before jumping back into the opening riff and rolling drums. This may very well be the best on the whole album. “Meat Heart” begins with a bass riff, then slowly builds as the band comes in. This is a good hard driving tune that should please Anvil fans, as it contrasts a subdued verse with loud heavy chorus and gang vocals belting out the title. 

LEADBREAKER does not break any new ground, and does not do anything surprising or different. What they do do is give you an album of solid traditional head banging metal, that makes me wish my car had a cd player, so I could throw this on with the windows down while I’m driving. Overall, this is an album that will do as the title suggests, kick you into “Overdrive”.

7 / 10









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"Overdrive" Track-listing:
  1. Overdrive
  2. Bitchtit Highway
  3. Hammer of Vengeance
  4. The Machine
  5. Riot
  6. Meat Heart
  7. Omerta
  8. Electro Raider
Leadbreaker Lineup:

Daniel Olsson- Guitars, Vocals

Adam Blom- Guitars

Marcus Winchester- Bass

Oscar Holmgren- Drums


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