I Erode


US Windsor’s LACERATION unleashes their 2024 LP "I Erode", a punishing blend of death and thrash metal that carves deep into the listener's psyche. This album is a brutal offering, merging visceral aggression with fast sharp guitars, creating a dynamic experience that pushes the boundaries of both genres. "I Erode" is unapologetically intense, showcasing LACERATION’s ability to craft soundscapes that are both relentless and meticulously layered.
October 15, 2024

The album opens with “Degradation (Intro),” a track that immediately pulls you into a chaotic void. There are no instruments here—just a haunting, synthetic soundscape that feels like a descent into madness. It’s the kind of track that lingers, building a tension that swells before exploding into the fury of the next song. This intro acts as the psychological groundwork for the brutality to come, a dark prelude that invites the listener into a labyrinth of dissonance and distortion.

That tension erupts with “Excised,” a visceral assault that sets the tone for the rest of the album. The guitars are sharp, cutting through the mix with great precision, while the drumming is frenetic, delivering blast beats that feel almost inhuman in their speed and intensity. The guttural vocals bring a sense of tortured isolation, as the lyrics delve into the agony of detachment from one’s body—a nightmarish vision of self-destruction. The harmonized guitars weave a chilling melody amidst the chaos, leading into an unhinged solo that feels like the musical embodiment of a mind unraveling. “Excised” is an aggressive yet complex track, balancing ferocity with technical precision, ensuring that its chaos is deliberate rather than haphazard.

Following that is “Sadistic Enthrallment,” a song that begins with a slow, crushing riff before launching into an all-out thrash assault. The main riff hooks you immediately, a driving force that feels like it’s dragging you deeper into a pit of despair. The drumming here is relentless, with double kicks and blast beats hammering the listener into submission. Vocally, this track is ferocious, with lyrics painting a grotesque picture of human suffering taken to its absolute limits—souls twisted and broken in a relentless cycle of torment. The interlude offers a brief respite, with harmonized guitars giving the track a cinematic edge, before it unleashes a dive-bombing solo that feels like a release of pent-up fury. It’s an exhilarating moment in an otherwise crushing song.

“Vile Incarnate” takes the intensity up another notch, leaning heavily into thrash metal’s rapid-fire energy. The pace is faster here, with a raw, unbridled aggression that hearkens back to classic thrash while still retaining the death metal edge. The riffing is sharp and infectious, and the solo, in particular, stands out as one of the most frenzied moments on the album. Lyrically, the song explores the idea of manipulation and oppression, as centuries of deceit and greed tear apart both body and soul. The band expertly matches the lyrical content with a sound that feels like a violent rebellion against these forces.

In contrast, “Dreams of the Formless” offers a moment of introspection. This instrumental track is hauntingly beautiful, with acoustic sections that flow seamlessly into harmonized guitar melodies. It’s a moment of melancholy, a brief pause from the album’s onslaught of brutality, yet it never feels out of place. Instead, it provides a deeper emotional resonance to the record, showing LACERATION’s ability to evoke complex emotions beyond rage. The guitars here are mesmerizing, weaving a tapestry of sound that feels almost mournful, as if the listener is witnessing the aftermath of destruction.

"I Erode" is an album that doesn’t simply rely on brute force; it’s a carefully crafted journey through the darkest corners of the human experience. LACERATION excels in balancing sheer aggression with thoughtful composition, ensuring each track hits with maximum impact while maintaining a haunting atmosphere that lingers long after the music fades.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"I Erode" Track-listing:

1. Degradation (Intro)
2. Excised
3. Sadistic Enthrallment
4. Vile Incarnate
5. Dreams Of The Formless
6. Carcerality
7. Strangled By Hatred
8. Impaling Sorrow
9. I Erode

Laceration Lineup:

Luke Cazares -Lead and Rhythm guitars. Vocals
Donnie Small - Lead and Rhythm guitars
Aerin Johnson - Drums
Eli Small - Bass Guitar

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