

The band plays NWOTHM and has no qualms about showing where they have their infuences from. And to be frank, they are plentiful. KRYPTOS isn't exactly trying to hide where they feel the best musical knicking options are.
September 10, 2024

Although it is impossible to keep up with all the releases and bands that Heavy Metal in all its facets is throwing at us nowadays, I have to admit that KRYPTOS is a band that I have heard of before. But I also have to say that it wasn't until I was asked to review their latest effort at world domination called “Decimator” that I encountered their music myself. And when I looked at the names of the band members, I suspected the band could be from India. Well, I was right, to be excact they hail from Bangalore, Kanataka. They have been plodding along making music since 1998 and have released their seventh studio album since their conception. The band plays NWOTHM and has no qualms about showing where they have their infuences from.

And to be frank, they are plentiful. KRYPTOS isn't exactly trying to hide where they feel the best musical knicking options are. For instance, the start of “Sirens of Steel” reminds me of a certain RUSH riff. As for the title song “Decimator”, that riff could easily have been penned by the great Randy Rhoads. On the other sidde of the spectrum, “Turn Up the Heat” is a proper Glam Metal song, Party Rock pur sang. On top of these the references will often be SAXON (vocal lines) and IRON MAIDEN (riffing). What KRYPTOS does do right while using every chliche in the Metal book, is never make it too obvious from which song they have borrowed the parts used in the songs.

What I will warn you about is the voice of Nolan Lewis, who sounds like a mix between Udo Dirkschneider and Biff Byford. You either can fathom it or it will be a major turn off for you. I for one do feel that by the way he is using his vocal chords it does complement the music in the best way possible. And all this together makes “Decimator” very easy to listen to. Although it has to be said that in spite of all the influences and inspiration from a lot of the big names, you never have the feeling you are listening to anything special. On the contrary, “Decimator” feels very middle of the Metal road. Not bad, not good. Very pleasing while you are listening to it, but it is just as easy forgotten once you pull your headphones off your ears. That is something I would advise KRYPTOS to work on if they are adamant to make it big outside their own (bloody large) area.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Decimator" Track-listing:

1 - Sirens of Steel
2 - Fall to the Spectre's Gaze
3 - Turn Up the Heat
4 – Electrify
5 - Solaris
6 – Decimator
7 - In the Shadow of the Blade
8 – Pathfinder
9 - We Are the Night

Kryptos Lineup:

Nolan Lewis (vocals, rhythm guitar)
Rohit Chaturvedi (lead guitar)
Ganesh K (bass)
Vijit Singh (drums)

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