

In Daemonolatria, KRYPTONOMICON delivers a powerful testament to their roots in Old School Thrash Black Metal, weaving together thematic depth and musical intensity in a manner that pays homage to the genre’s early innovators while forging a distinct path forward.
September 3, 2024

KRYPTONOMICON, hailing from Monfalcone, Italy, and born from the shadows of 2019, presents their full-length, "Daemonolatria", a masterwork of Old School Thrash Black Metal that stands as a tribute to the genre's early titans. This album, steeped in the legacy of Celtic Frost and other seminal 80's acts such as Possessed and Slayer, unveils a visceral and unrelenting journey through darkness and despair. The track "Satanama" opens with an eerie calm, its winds, acoustic guitar, and ethereal keyboards evoking an unsettling Black Metal atmosphere. This tranquility swiftly succumbs to a tempest of fierce drumming and blistering riffs, painting a landscape of existential struggle. The lyrics delve into the cyclical nature of existence—birth, life, death, and rebirth—with a reverent solemnity. The juxtaposition of intense musical aggression and contemplative lyrical themes crafts a profound reflection on the eternal mysteries that pervade human experience.

In "Between Five Candles" the band immerses the listener in a meticulously crafted invocation of Baal, a formidable demon of antiquity. The track's music pays homage to Celtic Frost's dark majesty, featuring deep, resonant riffs and guttural screams that conjure a palpable sense of dread. As the song progresses, it transforms into a ferociously aggressive piece, with intricate arrangements enhancing the gravity of the ritualistic summons. The lyrics' repeated invocation of Baal reflects an unwavering quest for divine knowledge and power, embodying a synthesis of lyrical depth and musical ferocity that underscores the band's mastery of their craft. "The Emperor Rising" explores themes of enlightenment and spiritual liberation, articulated through powerful imagery and a quest for transcendence. The song's recurrent pleas for guidance reflect a dramatic shift from obscurity to illumination, capturing the essence of intense personal metamorphosis. The lyrics, imbued with a sense of gravitas, convey a profound yearning for higher wisdom and transformation, offering a solemn and evocative exploration of the human spirit’s desire to transcend its limitations.

"The Spreading Wind of Epidemic" is a formidable display of Black Metal’s dark grandeur. The track evokes the ancient dread of Pazuzu, depicted with scorpion tail, lion's head, and serpentine attributes. Musically, it resonates with raw intensity, featuring potent riffs that echo the genre’s early, unrestrained power. The composition's ferocity, coupled with its brooding atmosphere, creates a profound sense of unease and foreboding, reflecting old-school Black Metal’s unyielding spirit and thematic depth. "The Sea of Creeping Evil" plunges into a profound exploration of transformation and annihilation. The song's imagery evokes the overwhelming force of a tempestuous sea, portraying the abyssal depths as a crucible for spiritual cleansing and renewal. With its exquisite main riff and intricate arrangements, the track exemplifies classic Black Metal’s enduring allure, offering a compelling experience for aficionados of the genre’s primordial essence.

The final track, "Daemonolatria", brings the album to a poignant close with its deeply nostalgic and mournful acoustic composition. The piece opens with winds blowing once more, creating a profound atmosphere of solitude and despair. This evocative soundscape, underscored by melancholic melodies and a haunting sense of finality, serves as a fitting and emotionally resonant conclusion to the album. It encapsulates the essence of the journey undertaken throughout "Daemonolatria", leaving the listener enveloped in a reflective and sorrowful embrace. Complementing the auditory journey is the album's striking artwork, a surrealistic masterpiece that captures the essence of the album’s dark themes. The cover depicts a spectral rider, The Death, astride a horse fashioned from a collage of otherworldly eyes and grotesque creatures. This intricate and visionary illustration is a visual feast, overflowing with minute details and demonic figures that evoke the infernal realms described in the music. The artwork’s otherworldly and macabre elements not only enhance the album's thematic depth but also provide a fitting visual representation of the haunting and surreal experience that "Daemonolatria" offers. This great piece of art stands as a testament to the band's commitment to creating a fully immersive experience that transcends both auditory and visual dimensions.

8 / 10









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"Daemonolatria" Track-listing:

1. Satanama
2. Between Five Candles
3. The Emperor Rising
4. The Spreading Wind of Epidemic
5. There's No Life, There's No Death
6. Lord of Flies
7. The Sea of Creeping Evil
8. Blood for the Fire
9. Necromantical Suicide
10. Daemonolatria

Kryptonomicon Lineup:

Stefano Rumich - Vocals/Guitars

Frank Kruger – Vocals/Bass

Randy Legovini - Drums

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