Moon Healer

Job for a Cowboy

The Prog/Death Metal American lords are back after 10 long years, and at full force!
May 1, 2024

There are band names that everyone has heard in a moment in life due the success it bears. And the more such acts live, the more famous (and for some fans, infamous, because there are those that waste time speaking shit about the others than saying anything good about the bands they like). And the name of the North American quintet JOB FOR A COWBOY became famous for the younger fans of Metal during the years between 2010 and 2020. And here they’re back with “Moon Healer”, their new album after 10 years since “Sun Eater”. The band gathered a true team to enter the studio: Jason Suecof (recording, engineering, mixing), Evan Sammons (additional engineering), Ronn Miller (assistant engineering), Tony Sannicandro (recordings of the guitars), and Ermin Hamidovic (additional engineering, mastering).

All their efforts are translated into a massive and brutal sonority, but with the essential definition on the instrumental tunes to allow the understanding of the hearers, so it’s truly a great result. And the artwork and layout of Tony Koehl is truly amazing, contrasting with the band’s music. It’s not s sin to say that they evaded changing things this time, because the major part of these names worked with them on “Sun Eater” as well. Too little is needed to explain about the band’s music: it’s a modern form of Technical/Progressive Death Metal. But pay attention: due the modern outfit, the band’s technical work is soaked with influences of Groove Metal as well. Such a vibe can cause complaints of fans of Old School tendencies, but the fans will have nothing to say, just to bang their heads and enjoy. And yes, it’s very good, full of energy and sounds personal.

After ten long years of waiting, what the band depicts on “Moon Healer” will be a true moment of delight. And bonecrushing songs as “Beyond the Chemical Doorway” (a technical moment filled with groove, with a solid instrumental work and nasty growls and snarls of the vocals, but the technical work of bass guitar is amazing), “Etched in Oblivion” (this one shows a more classic Prog Death Metal way, with abrupt contrasts of tempos, and a magnificent work on the drums), “Grinding Wheels of Ophanim” (this one deserves its name, because it’s a true grinding wheel on the ears, with the abrasive aggressiveness being expelled by the guitars), “The Sun Gave Me Ashes So I Sought Out the Moon” (the technical and ethereal Prog Rock elements dressed in a brutal form of Death Metal contrasts a lot with a heavy and crushing weight), “Into the Crystalline Crypts” (pay attention when the grunts contrasts with Prog Death Metal moments), and… Well, after ten years, all of you must pay attention to “A Sorrow-Filled Moon”, “The Agony Seeping Storm” and “The Forever Rot” as well. The time allowed the band to sharpen their songs to their best shapes.

It’s great to have JOB FOR A COWBOY back with a new release, and the band’s inspiration is high on “Moon Healer”.

10 / 10









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"Moon Healer" Track-listing:
  1. Beyond the Chemical Doorway
  2. Etched in Oblivion
  3. Grinding Wheels of Ophanim
  4. The Sun Gave Me Ashes So I Sought Out the Moon
  5. Into the Crystalline Crypts
  6. A Sorrow-Filled Moon
  7. The Agony Seeping Storm
  8. The Forever Rot
Job for a Cowboy Lineup:

Jonny Davy - Vocals
Alan Glassman - Guitars
Tony Sannicandro - Guitars
Nick Schendzielos - Bass
Navene Koperweis - Drums (session)

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