On This Earth


The album sounds like a person who lost their way in life, metaphorically, and the ease with which this can occur. Sometimes, it’s a lot easier to take the dark path through life, but what causes most people to walk the line?
April 9, 2024

From their EPK, “There was a plan once…and a path, a sure place to set my feet. Yet between one breath and the next I slipped into the smoke, through the mirror and into the twilight shadows, to the grey places beside the still, deep waters. The outlines became fluid and the forms deceptive, my dreams floated free from my heart and hung in all their desperate colors in the darkness, exposed to rain and ridicule. The way home and the way to the grave entwined like serpents and poison-tongued sirens sang sublime accusations and beautiful condemnation from the branches of screaming trees along the way. My compass was broken and every face was a mask upon a mask behind a cowl.”

The album has seven songs, and “Truth” is first; a short introduction to the album, mostly consisting of strings, acoustic guitars and vocals, with a solemn feeling in the music. “Lost Traveller” is the first proper song. Dark tones are the first thing that I notice, with heavy bass notes and some catchy hooks in the vocals. The vocals are layered as well, which adds to the melody in the chorus. “Tarnished Son” has some electronic in the beginning, as well as some melancholy feelings. I’ve always maintained that this kind of music feels more authentic with a baritone vocalist, and that is how Bryn delivers them.

“Tempestarius” features both clean and harsh vocals, and the harsh vocals color the song with a deeper darkness. At times, there is a gentle reprieve from the pain, although it returns stronger than ever. “Devil’s Hands” is a shorter song with gentle, ethereal elements that are still covered in the grey painting of life. Whispered vocals carry a dark message with them. “We all get lost” is the repeated lyric line, which is the title of the next song. It begins with heavy, fuzzy electronics. There are some hooks here, but the message is how easy it is to become lost.

“I Stand With Trees” closes the album. Depressive vocals play over a bed of dark shadows and deep caverns. For me, the album sounds like a person who lost their way in life, metaphorically, and the ease with which this can occur. Sometimes, it’s a lot easier to take the dark path through life, but what causes most people to walk the line? This album makes you contemplate this question over and over. 

7 / 10









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"On This Earth" Track-listing:

1. Truth (Intro)

2. Lost Traveller

3. Tarnished Son

4. Tempestarius

5. Devil's Hands

6. We All Get Lost

7. I Stand With Trees


Inver Lineup:

Bryn Jones – Guitars/Vocals

Jake Doherty – Guitars

JJ ‘Jaff’ Flames – Bass/Backing Vocals/Instrumentation


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