Exiled to Death


INSURRECTION's "Exiled to Earth" is a potent release that carefully balances the line between melodic […]
March 2, 2025

INSURRECTION's "Exiled to Earth" is a potent release that carefully balances the line between melodic death metal and metalcore, but more often than not, it finds itself embracing the latter. The album is packed with the familiar corny melodies that you’ve come to expect from metalcore, but there’s also enough groove and heaviness to keep it grounded in the intensity of death metal. It’s a fun, energetic ride through crunchy riffs, breakdowns, and melodic hooks that appeal to fans of both genres.

Tracks like "Fractured Mind" and "Chains of Despair" showcase the album’s tendency to fall into metalcore territory with their catchy, sing-along melodies and driving rhythms. These moments carry the essence of 90s melodic death metal, drawing inspiration from bands like AT THE GATES and IN FLAMES, but they’re shaped by the polished, accessible feel of metalcore. The vocals lean heavily into metalcore territory as well, with their mix of aggressive screams and occasional clean choruses that give the album its characteristic sound. The vocal delivery fits seamlessly with the breakdowns, allowing the music to flow without losing its intensity.

What sets "Exiled to Earth" apart, though, is how the band uses groove to balance out the melodicism. Groovy, mid-tempo sections give the album an extra layer of heaviness and prevent the melodies from becoming overbearing. These parts are a much-needed contrast to the breakdown-driven sections, adding weight to the overall sound without overloading it with cliché.

In essence, "Exiled to Earth" is a solid example of how metalcore has evolved from its melodic death metal roots. The riffs, melodies, and breakdowns are all staples of modern metalcore, but INSURRECTION doesn’t shy away from paying tribute to the bands that paved the way for this sound. This album is the perfect blend of old and new—catchy, heavy, and aggressive with just the right balance of groove to keep it interesting.


6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Exiled to Death" Track-listing:

Tracklist SIDE A:

1.Hopeless World Below

2.The End Of Honesty (4.23)

3.In Terram Extorres (5.15)

4.Crimson Skies (3.18)

5.Futile Existence (LIVE)

6.Dawn Of Defeat (LIVE)

7.Moribund (LIVE)

Tracklist SIDE B:

1.Hopeless World Below (8-BIT)

2.The End Of Honesty (8-BIT)

3.In Terram Extorres (8-BIT)

4.Crimson Skies (8-BIT)

5.Spiralling Down (8-BIT)

6.On Circles Of Despair (8-BIT)

7.Moribund (8-BIT)

Insurrection Lineup:

Pieter Oevering - Vocals/Bass

Marten Hutten - Guitars/Vocals

Armand Venema - Guitars

Douwe Talma - Drums

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