In Chambers Of Sonic Disgust


I can mention is that once you have the music entering your ears either through your headphones or the open air, you will be able to immediately distinguish which band you are listening to. Is that a bad thing? Not at all, as a lot of bands would love to be recognised at first tone.
August 20, 2024

Even though it has been four years since the latest ILLDISPOSED record, these Danes (originating from Aarhus, Midtjylland) can be proud that in the 33 years of making music they have managed to give us joy with their brand of Melodic Death Metal that they brandish nowadays. They started off in 1991 as a pure Death Metal band, but throughout the years have decoided to add a bit of Groove and Melody to the mix. And it suits them well. There are very few bands that have always been able to produce Metal Music that keeps your brain occupied and your headbanging body entretained.

One thing is sure, ILLDISPOSED is one those bands who have been sccessful in that area, and as far as I'm concerned that deserves a great amount of respect. They have earned it, and to cut a long story short, they are still worthy of it when you listen to their latest offering, “In Chambers Of Sonic Disgust”. The rel;ease date was actually June 28th 2024, but even though we are a bit lkate in reviewing this album, we do feel it fully deserves our attention.

The difficulty ILLDISPOSED has, like any band that has been going a long time, is how to stay fresh, try to add another layer of excitement, ad a little surprise, show some sophistication or even use some more simplicity to the Metal Music you are playing. And I can only conclude that that is the only thing lacking from “In Chambers Of Sonic Disgust”. The most positive thing I can mention is that once you have the music entering your ears either through your headphones or the open air, you will be able to immediately distinguish which band you are listening to.

Is that a bad thing? Not at all, as a lot of bands would love to be recognised at first tone. It crerates a sense of comfort, of cosiness. And therein lies the crux. Death Metal is not supposed to be either of those. No, not even the Melodic variety. Death Metal is supposed to put you on edge, give you shivers (or should that be slivers?) of fear, make you take notice of everything around you, becoming more agitated due to the eerie music that is coming your way. And that is what I am missing on this ILLDISPOSED release. But I can't blame the band that we as listeners have become so complacent that “In Chambers Of Sonic Disgust” doesn't scare us anymore.

7 / 10









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"In Chambers Of Sonic Disgust" Track-listing:

1. Spitting Your Pain
2. I Walk Among The Living
3. Lay Low
4. The Ill-Disposed
5. Flying Free
6. Start Living Again
7. For Us
8. I Suffer
9. And Of My Hate
10. All Electric
11. Pain Suffer Me

Illdisposed Lineup:

Bo Summer - Vocals
Jakob Batten - Guitars
Ken Holst - Guitars
Onkel K. Jensen - Bass
Rasmus Schmidt - Drums

Sandie The Lilith (Defacing God): Guest vocals on "Lay Low" and "I Suffer"

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