Honeymoon Suite

Canadian melodic rock band HONEYMOON SUITE is set to release their new studio album “Alive,” on February 16, 2024, internationally distributed by Frontiers Music Srl and featuring core band members. HONEYMOON SUITE was originally formed in 1981 by lead vocalist and guitarist Johnnie Dee from Niagara Falls, Ontario. Fast forward to 2020. Derry & Johnnie, armed with a surplus of new original songs, reached out to fellow Canadian producer/songwriter MIke Krompass based in Nashville, TN. Mike, a long-time fan, was all in to co-write and produce a new HONEYMOON SUITE album for his new record label.
They got to work, and the result is “Alive.” I’ll admit it…these kinds of “back from the 80’s” revivals often scare me as a listener, for two main reasons. First, this sound was overplayed to the point of death in the 80’s, and rightfully put away by Grunge in the early 90’s, although there are many bands today successfully reviving this sound today. The second reason is, it is even plausible that the band can recapture some of the magic from a career that began over 40 years ago? Considering these two factors are heavily working against the band before we even begin this review, let’s get down to it.
If the title track is any indication of where the album is heading, it is in good shape early on. Their music is sweet, melodic, and touching, with enough of a Rock sound to hook heavy rockers. The chorus is a big punch, and they indeed seem very alive. From there it falters just a little, with two decent songs that follow, but neither is overly memorable. They bounce back with the tender emotions of “Not Afraid to Fall,” with delicate melodies and a sturdy backbone. They also nail a strong chorus with a big hook. “Tell Me What You Want” is another winner and that magic seems to be in a jar in their hip pocket for so many years, and they open it and let it out.
“Love Comes” has a bright and poignant melody that shines through the clouds with a beacon of light. Some of the vocal harmonies remind of the successfully layered approach that DEF LEPPARD do so well. “Broken” might be the best song on the album, and the hooks are simple but attractive. “Doesn’t Feel That Way” closes the album, and there’s something about these emotional songs that I love. I think it’s simple. It takes me back to where I was in the late 80’s…a college student living life to the fullest, and loving my now wife, and planning a future together. Although the ride was sometimes bumpy, I will always look back on that time most fondly.
Guys, welcome back. There is enough of a rocking sound on the album to attract serious music aficionados, but it’s in the more tender and melodic sound is where much of their magic lives. For me, it sounds like they picked up right where they left off so many years ago, and still have a lot to offer the music community.
8 / 10

"Alive" Track-listing:
1. Alive
2. Find What You’re Looking For
3. Done Doin’ Me
4. Not Afraid to Fall
5. Tell Me What You Want
6. Give It All
7. Love Comes
8. Broken
9. Livin’ Out Loud
10. Doesn’t Feel That Way
Honeymoon Suite Lineup:
Johnnie Dee – Vocals
Derry Greham – Guitars, Keyboards
Dave Betts – Drums
Gary Lalonde – Bass
Peter Nunn – Keyboards
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