Darkness Of God

Heaving Earth

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: HEAVING EARTH; signed via Lavadome […]
By Craig Rider
July 8, 2022
Heaving Earth - Darkness Of God album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: HEAVING EARTH; signed via Lavadome Records, hailing from Czechia grounds - performing Death Metal, on their 3rd full-length studio album entitled: "Darkness Of God" (released May 27th, 2022). Since formation in 2008; the quartet in question has 2 demos: "Vision Of The Vultures" (released December 2008) and "Diabolic Prophecies" (released 2009). An EP entitled: "Redemption Ablaze" (released August 28th, 2012), a split combining ALTARS / HEAVING EARTH entitled: "Engulfed" (released November 10th, 2012) and 3 full-length studio albums entitled: "Diabolical Prophecies" (released September 15th, 2010), "Denouncing The Holy Throne" (released February 6th, 2015) & this here 3rd offering of which I am introduced to. 9 tracks ranging around 51:07; the band delivers a meticulous unveiling of some heavy-hitting Death Metal developments.

Opening up with this sinister snare of rompy distortion; a clobbering foundation in bulldozing chaos distils a maddening wrath of technical trailblazing within "Violent Gospels (Ordination Of The Holy Trinity)"), this berserking fabrication in bludgeoning heft frantically piledrives with rampantly rompy systematics where slaying grinds and punchy tightness shreds with symbolic virtuosity. Rifting with sulphurous slabs of solid riffing prowess, this persisting perseverance on rambunctious nimbleness contrasts into oblivion with raw rough scourings that forges a hybrid experimentation in dexterous harmony from guitar duo Tomáš Halama & Martin Meyer. Both tower with tremolo picking finesse amongst a crescendo blazing synergy that surges with volatile stability, while ripping malice lacerates a killer momentum on menacing maelstrom tactics that utilises progressive tramplings for good measure - profound within the menacing stridency of sturdy thuds & complexly dynamic outbursts of "Crossing the Great Divide (Prayer to a Crumbling Shrine)".

Razor-sharp piercing rumble with reverberating meatiness; on top of weighty drum cymbal taps which rattle speakers with monolithic tempo, slamming thumpiness & venomous swarve that strikes with sonically seamless pursuits of gnarly ferociousness. Intertwined with this synthetic atmosphere in ambient desolation, as a disillusionment resonates with mountainous melancholy & retribution of redemption fueled myth. Quaking with more kicking injections in audible bass flickerings; Tomáš Ledvina infects eardrums with thick crunchiness, as chunky firepower expertise grovels with quintessential manifestations of wildly rushing mayhem and creatively distinguished distinctives in blasphemous mobility.

"Apologetics (Of Failure and Fall)" ramifies with uniquely vehement versatility, where viciously visceral fabrications chisel with trembling shrieks & vivacious potency on vibrant zeal that rivets with relentless calamity amongst a grumbling ability in guttural growls and bleeding cords from consisting vocalist Marek Štemberab who yells with throaty raspiness amongst a cavernous extremity in uproarious rage that will make anyone go into a barrage frenzy of maddening rampage (of the good kind of course).

"Forever Deceiving Dismal Gods'' amplifies an adrenaline induced craftsmanship attribute while merging this mystifying remedy in bombastic barbarity; obscure mayhem robustly implements a borderline foundation in blistering flamboyancy, furious chops and an acute flair on malignant hooks. Elsewhere... a concretely gritty stampede rams like a battering as a threatening stomp on foreboding heat within "Cardinal Sin"; as an alarming but ominously jarring melody conjures a gravitational leap on pugnaciously salubrious conundrum in drilling vindictive pounds of pummeling weight, impactfully impulses souls with contorted combustion and meticulous patterns of songwriting musicianship that can be bizarre but euphonically mellifluous should one like a fiddly listen of multiplex velocity. The superlunary spellbind on this otherworldly unearthings intrigues an immensely intense fervor on radically wicked flexibilities in fundamental grips, as frolicking gallops and chugging exhilaration also bellows a prodigious rev which will make anyone break chairs over other chairs in no time - or mesmerise themselves with pleasing respect.

"The Lord's Lamentations" heralds a harnessing thrill on prestigious strums that continue empowering one with overwhelming force, it's all like a crazy hysteria in diabolical desecration and archaic archetypes of synchronic mettle that morphs with this transformative malformation on cryptic integrity amongst a ruthless ruination on pandemonia rituals of altruism and outer panache. "Earthly Kingdom of God in Ruins" smacks you with full implosion as groove-bomb bashfulness revels with snarly blusters, as tempestuous rollicks swirls with toned instrumentals and sublime majesty - until the penultimate banger "Flesh-Ridden Providence" belts a blackened hostility in bitter treads of bruising brutality.

While the overall concluding epic "Woeful Redemption" finishes the record with ravenous & merciless clamour in which makes me marvel with the musical prowess HEAVING EARTH excellently demonstrates here. Bottom line; I am compelled to say that HEAVING EARTH certainly outdone themselves with this one, an enjoyably entertaining discovery that's surely worthy spinning & replaying a good few times - "Darkness Of God'' greatly does this subgenre supreme justice that most Prog-Tech heads can definitely divulge in with rich thrust, do check it out.

8 / 10









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"Darkness Of God" Track-listing:

1. Violent Gospels (Ordination of the Holy Trinity)
2. Crossing the Great Divide (Prayer to a Crumbling Shrine)
3. Apologetics (Of Failure and Fall)
4. Forever Deceiving Dismal Gods
5. Cardinal Sin
6. The Lord's Lamentations
7. Earthly Kingdom of God in Ruins
8. Flesh-Ridden Providence
9. Woeful Redemption

Heaving Earth Lineup:

Tomáš Halama - Guitars
Martin Meyer - Guitars
Marek Štembera - Vocals
Tomáš Ledvina - Bass

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