Avenge The Fallen


HAMMERFALL is a legendary band who are put on a pedestal for a reason. “Avenge The Fallen,” further cements an already epic legacy. This is their best album in some time so current fans will be pleased but those who jumped shipped earlier will want to take this return voyage.
October 15, 2024

HAMMERFALL is a power metal band from Sweden who formed in 1993. Their latest album, “Avenge The Fallen,” is their 13th album. For those of you who have been living under a rock for 30 years, HAMMERFALL is in the upper pantheon of power metal and they have been remarkably consistent, even if some albums are better than others. The band is part of the second wave of power metal and they have been carrying the torch for a long time now. Their sound is pretty balanced between power and heavy metal but there is a very thin line between the two genres to the point where they might as well be the same in most cases. Regardless of what you want to classify them, their riffs are heavy yet melodic and they have a knack for catchy songs that soar, due in large part to Joacim Cans’ vocals, which still sound ridiculously great.

The album opens with the title song and it’s catchy as hell, especially the gang/backing vocals. That main riff that begins the song is super heavy providing a big, clear sound. The chorus is one that will be in your head for days as well so be prepared to return to this one over and over. Fortunately, every song here offers something. “Freedom” is another banger, beginning immediately with rapid guitars and crystal clear but powerful vocals. The middle is one part rocking rhythmic prowess and another part melodic leads. This passage fits right home in the song and smoothly carries it back to the chorus. “Hero To All,” is a highlight for sure, especially with that beautiful opening melodic passage. The vocal cadence is awesome, matched by the sharp drumming and heavy handed riffs. The guitars get faster and more intense as the song moves forward. The rising action of the lead guitar near end mixed with the vocal chanting brings the song to the next level.

With the name “Burn It Down,” I expected a blistering power metal song….and that is exactly what this is! I really like the bass here, its deep tones keep the song on the heavier end during the melodic chorus. This is another one of the best songs on the album, and it appears later in the track list, so it’s also a testament to the album’s flow and quality. But it doesn’t stop there—this album brings its “A” game as it winds down. “Capture The Dream,” is an emotional song and one of the best they have written in years. The whole four and a half minutes in an earworm and I can’t pick a favorite part because it’s all good. I will say the later half of the song with its melodic bridge that leads into another stellar solo is quite good and worth pressing that repeat button quite a few times.

The final song, “Time Immemorial,” finishes this epic ride in a big way. The crashing drums, thumping bass, and flashing melodic guitars in the beginning are majestic. The rest of the song alternates between speedy moments and melodic/atmospheric leanings. HAMMERFALL is a legendary band who are put on a pedestal for a reason. “Avenge The Fallen,” further cements an already epic legacy. This is their best album in some time so current fans will be pleased but those who jumped shipped earlier will want to take this return voyage.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Avenge The Fallen" Track-listing:
  1. Avenge the Fallen
  2. The End Justifies
  3. Freedom
  4. Hail to the King
  5. Hero to All
  6. Hope Springs Eternal
  7. Burn It Down
  8. Capture the Dream
  9. Rise of Evil
  10. Time Immemorial
HammerFall Lineup:

Oscar Dronjak - Guitars, Vocals (backing)
Fredrik Larsson - Bass
Joacim Cans - Vocals (lead, backing)
Pontus Norgren - Guitars, Vocals (backing)
David Wallin - Drums

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