Cursed to the Night


Prepare for a Black Metal lash with this album!
November 20, 2023

Every Metal genre the readers can think of share a similar feature: in the beginning of a wave, the bands are always fighting for a personal form into the genre, to define a personality that can earn the attention of the public. They try experiences to do it, but as some years pass by, the models become so petrified that becomes an imprisonment, denying the creativeness in favor of a constant set of formulas. It’s not a mistake to have a defined way with you, but it can become a trap if you don’t have a personality. But fortunately, it’s not the case of the German Black Metal trio HAGATIZ, as heard on the band’s first release, “Cursed to the Night”.

The band uses a known and defined formula into Black Metal that is what can be called traditional Black Metal, that harsh formula created by BATHORY, and used (and improved) by acts as BATHORY, MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE, BURZUM and others, but always using a sinister and darkened set of influences that creates a more funereal appeal on the ambiences. It means that it’s nothing new at all, but done with personality and with hooks that are hard for a fan of the genre resist to. As expected by the fans, the sonority of “Cursed to the Night” is something harsh and crude, done with that organic feeling of the past with some ‘lo-fi’ elements. Of course one can understand what’s being played, but the band runs away from something modern or extremely defined as well.

Musically, the trio presents a fine work for the fans of Black Metal that misses the early days of the 90s, when the genre was feared and despised by fans of the other Metal genres. And songs as “Demimonde” (a presentation card with all those fiery elements of Black Metal, with a wall of guitar riffs and simple rhythmic work, even with some great rhythmic shifts), “Echoes from the Afterlife” (some funereal slower parts are really excellent, where the value of the guitars arrangements and vocals can’t be denied), “Scourge Beneath the Skin” (some tremolo-picking parts can be heard, but always supported by a solid work from bass guitar and drums), and “Drown in Darkness” will surely be heard for days and days.

As a first release, “Cursed to the Night” fulfills its purpose: to present HAGATIZ for the fans. But with such potential, more can be expect of them in the future.

8 / 10









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"Cursed to the Night" Track-listing:
  1. The Gathering
  2. Demimonde
  3. Echoes from the Afterlife
  4. Everlast in Darkest Night
  5. Scourge Beneath the Skin
  6. Drown in Darkness
  7. Necrovoid
Hagatiz Lineup:

Semgoroth - Vocals
MK - Guitars, Bass
Odium Aeternum - Drums

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