

The album is a visceral journey through deep, unrelenting aggression that feels like a force of nature. The music is intense and punishing, with heavy riffs and thunderous percussion that create an almost suffocating atmosphere. Just when it feels like the weight of the world might be too much to bear, a sudden shift occurs, and the subtle melodies are not just moments of respite; they are perfectly placed to heighten the drama, amplifying a sense of impending doom. There’s a feeling of chaos that runs through the album, a sense that the world is on the brink of collapse, teetering on the edge of a cataclysm. But within this chaos, there’s a strange, almost beautiful order—a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is a fragile balance between destruction and creation.
September 5, 2024

"Groza" (or "Гроза" in Cyrillic) is "lightning storm", "horror" or "disgust" in a few Slavic languages. The band GROZA is a Black Metal band hailing from Germany. “Nadir” is their third full-length album, and it has six songs. “Soul: Inert” is first, a short introductory instrumental, that highlights the more depressive side of the album, leading to “Asbest,” which picks up the gentle melody and runs with it. The production is fairly raw and the song moves with powerful, aggressive elements. The melodies are still there, but they are washed over with the blackness of contention.

“Dysthymian Dreams” is song that comes sprinting out of the gate with an unbridled passion in the music and the vocals. The band presses down the gas pedal and doesn’t let up, but subtle melodies are built firmly with layers. “Equal. Silent. Cold” is every bit as angry as the other songs on the album so far, and the layered vocals give the song some thickness. The massive amounts of aggression are again tempered with majestic melodies that hold the song together. “Deluge” is a sudden and violent downfall of rain. Crushing, powerful sounds come from the opening riff, followed by hatred like none other. If you could peel back the many layers of aggression, you could discover your prize, a sweet tasting fruit in the middle that, if eaten, could kill you.

“Daffodils” closes the album. Clean tones lead the charge, but are followed by a deep depression that can only come from within. The aggression continues without hesitation as well. Daffodils symbolize rebirth, new beginnings, hope, joy, and good luck. Much of this symbolism arises from the fact that daffodils emerge each spring to light up barren landscapes with their cheerful yellow, orange, and white flowers. The stark juxtaposition of this description with the music is about as far apart as two things could be, yet they work so well together. It closes with a feeling that the end of the world has begun, and there is nowhere to hide.

Overall, the album is a visceral journey through deep, unrelenting aggression that feels like a force of nature. The music is intense and punishing, with heavy riffs and thunderous percussion that create an almost suffocating atmosphere. Just when it feels like the weight of the world might be too much to bear, a sudden shift occurs, and the subtle melodies are not just moments of respite; they are perfectly placed to heighten the drama, amplifying a sense of impending doom. There’s a feeling of chaos that runs through the album, a sense that the world is on the brink of collapse, teetering on the edge of a cataclysm. But within this chaos, there’s a strange, almost beautiful order—a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is a fragile balance between destruction and creation.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Nadir" Track-listing:

1. Soul: Inert

2. Asbest

3. Dysthymian Dreams

4. Equal. Silent. Cold.

5. Deluge

6. Daffodils


Groza Lineup:

P.G. – Lead Vocals, Bass, Guitars, Orchestration, Samples

U.A. – Backing Vocals, Lead Guitars

T.H.Z. – Drums


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