
Gods & Punks

The album fell somewhere into the vast sea of Doom and Stoner Rock/Metal. My biggest criticism was the lack of energy and excitement. Contrary to what some believe, Doom can be very exciting, but this minimalist approach just didn’t do much for me.
September 25, 2024

From Bandcamp, “In 2021 I almost died and, since then, I felt the need to write about the whole thing. So, in 2023, I approached Gabriel, along with our mutual friend from Blind Horse, Rodrigo, and handed them these sucky demos I recorded on acoustic guitar at home with my laptop. Along with Pedro, the four of us worked on these songs for a few months and made this album: a collection of old songs, new songs and some lost ideas that were never recorded. It tells the story of the days that preceded and followed my near-death experience. Hope you enjoy the album. We're really proud of it.”

“Slowburner” is the first song, and it’s a slow mover with a bit of a funky groove. It reminds me of BLACK SABBATH, without the heavy edge, but the vocals are pitchy. It is indeed a slowburner, as the title suggests. “Loss of Reality” is another slow mover with more pitchy vocals. I am not necessarily recommending that they get rid of their vocalist, but they do grate the listener because they are not always in tune. Beyond that, the music isn’t very exciting either, although the ending does have that familiar gallop of IRON MAIDEN. “The Night of a Thousand Days” has a heavier and grittier riff, but from there, it lumbers, with a couple of changes in the sound.

“Decerebration” opens with a good deal of tension, but it lessens when the vocals come in. The music here is quite minimal, and there isn’t a lot going on. It eventually picks up, with some leads filled with wah-wah and gets going. “The Space Between Spaces” has softer and gentler tones, as the title suggests.  I suppose that space would be innocuous, and the music reflects that. Once again, it picks up, sounding like the bastard child of IRON MAIDEN and BLACK SABBATH. “Archimedes’ Screw” is much heavier and darker, coming at you with a low, fuzzy riff, and plenty of weight. “Black Box” closes the album, and the vocal harmonies are nice and relaxing. There are also some psychedelic sounds here, and this is a smooth ride that I could take for days.

The album fell somewhere into the vast sea of Doom and Stoner Rock/Metal. My biggest criticism was the lack of energy and excitement. Contrary to what some believe, Doom can be very exciting, but this minimalist approach just didn’t do much for me.

5 / 10









"Death" Track-listing:

1. Slowburner

2. Loss of Reality

3. The Night of a Thousand Days

4. Decerebration

5. The Space Between Spaces

6. Archimedes' Screw

7. Black Box


Gods & Punks Lineup:

Alexandre C. – Vocals

Pedro C. – Bass

Rodrigo B. – Guitars

Gabriel S. – Drums


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