Chthonic Invocations

Funeral Storm

Funeral Storm's latest offering, "Chthonic Invocations," delves into the abyss with relentless fervor. From the […]
July 24, 2024

Funeral Storm's latest offering, "Chthonic Invocations," delves into the abyss with relentless fervor. From the moment the ominous Keys of invocation echo through the opening track, the listener is plunged into a dark, esoteric journey that resonates with both primal energy and profound mysticism. The album's sonic landscape is a testament to Funeral Storm's mastery of atmosphere. Guitars weave intricate tapestries of sound, alternating between frenetic tremolo-picked passages and haunting melodies that evoke ancient rites and forgotten deities. Tracks like "Behold the Dark" and "The Epitaph of the Dead" showcase the band's ability to blend aggression with moments of eerie introspection, creating an unsettling yet captivating listening experience.

Vocally, "Chthonic Invocations" has a force of guttural growls and ritualistic chants, invoking imagery of occult rituals and arcane incantations. The relentless drumming drives the album forward with primal intensity, while the bass provides a solid foundation, rumbling like distant thunder beneath the cacophony of guitars. Lyrically, Funeral Storm explores themes of necromancy, ancient lore, and the occult, drawing inspiration from Greek mythology and dark traditions. Each track unfolds like a chapter in a forbidden tale, inviting the listener to peer into the abyss and confronting the unknown darkness. Production-wise, "Chthonic Invocations" strikes a delicate balance between raw, unpolished aggression and clarity, allowing each instrument to carve out its own niche within the dense sonic tapestry. I couldn't help but be reminded of "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" by none other than "Mayhem".

The album's sound is organic and authentic, capturing the essence of Funeral Storm's dedicated performance while enhancing the overall atmosphere of dread and reverence. "Chthonic Invocations" is a testament to Funeral Storm's unwavering dedication to their craft. With its evocative melodies, relentless aggression, and occult themes. This album is a must listen for fans of Black Metal searching for that 90s feel we all remember. Funeral Storm has once again proven why they are at the forefront of the Greek black metal scene, delivering an album that is as chilling as it is mesmerizing.

In the end, these guys have been hard at work since 2001. We got a taste of "Funeral Storm" in 2012, and they came back with a vengeance with "Chthonic Invocations". If you are a fan of early Black Metal, then this album is for you!

7 / 10









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"Chthonic Invocations" Track-listing:
  1. Whispers from the Beyond
  2. Behold the Dark
  3. The Void
  4. Funeral Pyre
  5. The Epitaph of the Dead
  6. The Covenant of Old
  7. Mistress of the Night (The Gathering Begins)
  8. The Calling of the Father
Funeral Storm Lineup:

Wampyrion – Guitars/Vocals/Bass/ Drums/ Programming/Keys
Stefan Necroabyssious – Vocals
Arcania – Guitars/Keys
Merihem – Guitars (Rhythm)

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